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The Wedding Celebration of

Adelynn & Welmon

Scroll Kebawah

The Wedding of
Adelynn & Welmon

Our Wedding

Adelynn & Welmon

February 12ᵗʰ, 2024

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

We Found Love

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One Love

“Happy marriages begin when we marry
the ones we love, and they blossom when
we love the ones we marry.”

Adelynn Devie Jenar

Second Daughter of
Mr. Jenar Umin
& Mrs. Laineh Okipas

Welmon Sairin

Second Son of
Mr. Sairin Sating
& Mrs.Dusinah Gunting

Holy Matrimony

Monday, February 12ᵗʰ 2024

10.00 AM

Kudat SDA Church

89050 Kudat, Sabah

Wedding Reception

Monday, February 12ᵗʰ 2024

12.00 PM

Kudat Hakka Association Hall

89050 Kudat, Sabah



Dusty Rose / Nude Color


Canyon Rose / Burgundy

For inquiries, please contact:
Adelynn (Bride) – 013-8751817
Welmon (Groom) – 013-9752800
Jenar (Father of Bride) – 019-8610899

Attendance Confirmation

Due to our limited capacity, we cannot allow extra guests at this time, but we will be sure to seat you with people you know and love!

Your reply is kindly requested before 12ᵗʰ January 2024.

RSVP Adelynn & Welmon

Wedding Gift

As love is what the day is all about, your presence is one we can’t celebrate without. But should you still believe that a gift is worth giving, a little monetary gift for our honeymoon is a delightful blessing.

Happy Moments

Write your best wishes 


  1. Tahniah! Tuhan memberkati perkahwinan kalian.

  2. Congratulation Adel and hubby. Happy Wedding Day. God bless both of you

  3. Congratulations Adel & Husband. Wish the best both of you. God Bless 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊

  4. Tahniah. selamat pengantin baru.
    dan Semoga berbahagia hingga akhir hayat bersama pasangan tercinta. 😍

  5. Happy wedding day Adi. Semoga Kasih karunia Nya menyertai kamu berdua sehingga ke anak cucu. Bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat..🙏🙏🙏

  6. Congrats dlyn and husband
    Happy wedding day…😊🎊

  7. Congrats to my bangai Adi and husband 🥰 akhirnya… so happy for you ❤️ selamat menjalani kehidupan berkeluarga.. ❤️❤️

  8. Congrats Adel & husband! Happy Wedding! Sending my best wishes to u n yr husband. see you when i see you <3

  9. Tahniah Adel dan pasangan…semoga berbahagia dan diberkati Tuhan sepanjang masa

  10. Congrats Selamat Pengantin Baru.Bahagia itu Nikmat.GBU.

  11. Congrets del!! Smg bahagiaa selamanyaaa❤️❤️

  12. Congrats Adel n Husbund.. Blessed Wedding Day♥️

  13. Congrats Adel n Husband.
    Happy Wedding day.

  14. Congratulations Adel & husband.
    Happy Wedding Day

  15. Congrats adellettes & husband ❤️ Semoga bahagia selalu sampai bila2 🥰

  16. Congrats Del😍
    Happy wedding day

  17. Congrats Adell! ❤️ May your marriage be blessed with love and happiness 💐

  18. Harap-harap dapat datang nanti amennn .

  19. Congratulations Adi & Husband 👏🏻😍 semoga hubungan ini kekal sampai selama-lamanya .🫰🤍 GOD BLESS .

  20. Congrats Adel & Husband! Thank you for letting us share in your special day. We wish you all the happiness in the world. Terus rasa mau kawin balik tingu gambar2 kamu.. haha

  21. Congratulations Adel and husband! Wishing you both lots of love and happiness <3

  22. Congratulations!
    Happy Wedding Day!
    God Bless!

  23. Congratulations Adi & husband God bless your future family♡

  24. Congratulations!

  25. Congratulations! Wishing you the best—today and always.

  26. congratulations wel & wife..

  27. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” –1 Corinthians 13:13

  28. Congrats Adel & husband. God bless your future family.

  29. Congratulations to Adelynn n hubby!! May God bless you both abundantly..🙏🙏

  30. Congratulations 🎉🎉
    May your lovelife be filled with joy and never ending happiness..

  31. Congratulations Adel & husband. wishing you both a long and happy marriage 🥂

  32. Congratulations beautiful Adel & spouse ❤️ Praying for a marriage full of love and blessings.

  33. Congratulations Adi & Welmon.
    May your special union bring unbelievable joy to your life and wishing you both a happy and prosperous future. God bless both of you 🙏🏿

  34. Congratulations Adel & hubby. God bless your future family ❤️

  35. Bersama Yesus pasti Adi dan Welmom menikmati kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya.
    Tuhan menyertaai abadi…Amen

  36. Congratulations adi ! 🌷

  37. Tahniah pasangan pengantin.Tuhan mem erkati.

  38. Congratulations Adel and Husband🥰🥰

  39. Congratulation Adel and Husband! Happy Newlyweds <3

  40. Happy wedding day.Congratulations.

  41. Congratulations 🥂

  42. Congratulations wel & wife!!

  43. Congratulations.

  44. Terima Kasih untuk jemputan perkahwinan ini.
    Tahniah adi dan pasangan…sesungguhnya Tuhan memberkati rumahtangga 🏠 yg bakal kamu bina.🙏.

  45. Congratulations adi and welmon ❤️ God bless your marriage till heaven! Thank you for the invitation. See you guys soon 🙂

  46. Heartiest congratulations to the both of you! May God bless all preparation for the wedding, semoga dipermudahkan semuanya & selamat menempuh dunia berumahtangga 🤍

    Thank you for the invitation Adi & Welmon. See you on your big day 😍

    Dianne & Frenky

  47. Congratulations adelo & husband . Happy wedding day! 😘🥹. Wishing u joy & happiness on ur wedding day !! God bless both of u dear ❤️

  48. Tahniah Adi dan pasangan. Tepat pada waktunya, Tuhan yang memberkati keluarga baru ini sehingga berbahagia dan menjadi berkat sukacita sehingga ke Surga. Amen.

  49. Congrats Adel & partner ✨
    May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together 🤍
    semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan kamu berdua🤲 sorry nda dpt datang, ada family member kahwin jua tarikh yg sama🥺 apa²pun, congrats del 🤍✨

  50. Oh, kasih Tuhan, pegangan manusia, Kami berdoa di hadapanMu; Kiranya kasih yang tiada tamatnya, Mengikat memplai skarang bersatu.

    God bless.

  51. Tahniah! Tuhan memberkati

  52. Congrats Welmon & partner! God bless :’)

  53. Congratulations brother welmon & adi.

  54. Tahniahh…selamat pengantin baru,anak buahku..semoga bahagia sampai ke hujung hayat…God bless you..

  55. May your love story continue with each and every passing year.
    Congratulations on your wedding day..

  56. Tahniah.
    Samod om barakat di Tuhan lumabai antad sid keluarga dikou.

  57. Pertemuan dan penyatuan dua insan itu adalah mukjizat Tuhan. Jadikan Tuhan pertama dan Tuhan pasti akan meletakkan keluarga pada aliran berkatNya.

  58. Pertemuan dan penyatuan dua insan itu adalah mukjizat Tuhan. Jadikan Tuhan pertama dan Tuhan pasti akan meletakkan keluarga pada aliran berkatNya.

  59. Congratulations. We are unable to attend your wedding but our blessings and prayers are with you. Enjoy your married life.

  60. Congratulations adi & partner 💖 May God bless your marriage together with lots of love and joy 😇💖

    Thank you undangannya ❤️ lawaaa 😍

  61. Congratulations Adi💗

  62. Congratulations on your Marriage.
    May you enjoy the love and happiness of each other for eternity.

  63. Selamat Pengantin Baru

  64. Happy Wedding Day, Adi & partner! Happy untuk kamu berdua… Finally Adi jumpa pasangan hidup dia.. Semoga bahagia selamanya 💖💖💖

  65. Congrats, Happy Wedding Day..

  66. Congrats adi n welmon…we are sooooooooo Happy for both of u..🥰🥰🥰

  67. Congratulations Adi✨️May your relationship be bound by love and guided by His right hand that brings victory 💫I don’t need to use sweet verses because the verses from your husband are already sweet enough, even more so 😆May your relationship last until heaven and be filled with peace and joy Adi🙏🏻🤍

  68. Congratulations Adi✨️May your relationship be bound by love and guided by His right hand that brings victory 💫I don’t need to use sweet verses because the verses from your husband are already sweet enough, even more so 😆May your relationship last until heaven and be filled with peace and joy Adi🙏🏻🤍

  69. Semugah ada pelapis main futsal abang welmon

  70. Congratulations Adiiii ! 🥹❤️

  71. Congratulations Adiiii ! 🥹❤️

  72. Congrats, happy wedding day!

  73. Thaniah

  74. Thaniah

  75. Congrats Adi & Welmon 🎉
    See you soon!

  76. Selamat tinggal bujang angkol and bakal wife..Wishing both of you a lifetime of love and happiness😊

  77. Selamat pengantin baru buat kamu berdua Adi & suami tersayang semoga jodoh terus berkekalan dan terus bahagia.

  78. Selamat pengantin baru buat kamu berdua Adi & suami tersayang semoga jodoh terus berkekalan dan terus bahagia.

  79. Selamat pengantin baru

  80. Congratulations on your wedding, Adi and husband! 😍

  81. Psalms 127:1 (ACV) Unless LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless LORD guards the city, the watchman wake but in vain.

    May the blessing from our Lord be upon both of you. Congratulations

  82. Congratulations Adi n husband.. semoga jodoh berkekalan…

  83. Selamat pengantin baru semoga jodoh berkekelan serta keluarga yg diberkati

  84. Congratulation both of you..Happy wedding day.God bless..

  85. Slmt pgntin baru yg x lma lg…akan b’usaha dtg…slmt buat spupu ku welmon@gewel…cntik invitation card…tbaik czen…Tuhan mberkati kmu..🙏

  86. Congratulations to Miss Adi and partner! May your love continue to thrive to infinity and beyond.
    God bless!

  87. Wowwwww!!!Adellll❤️… Congratulations! Selamat Pengantin Baru😘 God bless your marriage ❤️🙏

  88. Congratulations to you both 🌸

  89. Congratulations kak Adi and husband😍semoga Tuhan sentiasa menyertai dn memberkati kak and partner🙏🏻❤️


  91. Selamat pengantin baru

  92. Selamat pengantin baru. Semoga jodoh berpanjangan hingga ke anak cucu. Tuhan memberkati keluarga kamu.

  93. Congrats.,Twin and husband..🥰 I’ll pray the best for both of you..God bless and lave u.,Del..♥️

  94. Congratulations to both of you! We will be there 🫶🏻

  95. Thanks for invite our family to ettend you wedding

  96. Tahniah Welmon and Pasangan…

  97. Wahh lawa oh gambar studio kawin kmu.. kad jemputan pun lain dr yg lain..
    Congratulations adi dan husband..

  98. Congratulations…Will come..no worries

  99. Congratulations Cousinku Adi & Partner❤️

    Pasti kami akan hadir ke majlismu… Teruja betul tengok Invitation ni.

    Yang menulisnya,
    wife Mr. Larry😉

  100. Congratulations you both adi🎉🥂

  101. Congratulations to you both 🙏💐❤️

  102. Congratulations!

  103. mon oooo mon ada kaaaa sanaaa

  104. Congratulations Adi!!! Sy hadir tapi tdk pkai pink kie 😇

  105. Awhhh, kawin sudah miss Adi ku. Tidalama Jadi Puan Adi🥹 🩷
    Love U Adi, Akan didoakan segala urusan kalian untuk persediaan big Day Nanti💖

  106. Congratulations you both 🥳

    God bless your preparation for the big day 🙏🏻

    See you there love birds 😘

  107. Congratulations to both of you, Im happy for you adel finally you find your forever bestie…wishing you the best wedding ever. God bless

  108. Congregations Teacher. finally the wedding day is here. God bless you and your husband. 🙏🏻

    welcome to the club of mama papa, and say good bye to single statu.

    we pray for your preparation. God blessed and may all the plants will run smoothly by God grace.

  109. Tahniah adi..cantik kad undangan kamu

  110. Aaaa🥹😍😍 cant wait🥰 tahniahh del and husband❤️❤️ see youu 😘

  111. Sebelum sa wish sa mau puji dulu la invitation card kamu sangat cantik! 😍😭 Terharu tgok gambar2 kamu ahh finally hari yg ditunggu2 bakal tiba. Congratulations Adi and Hubby. Sa teruja semoga lambat sikit sa meletup 😘

  112. So sad that i can’t make it to your big day😭😭😭 God bless both of you❤️❤️

  113. From tengok wedding inspo di Pinterest sama-sama to finally a bride-to-be ❤️ Congratulations Adel and Welmon.
    I miss you so much ❤️

    My lovely husbaby and I mengucapkan selamat pengantin baru dan semoga Tuhan Yesus memberkati rumahtangga yang bakal kamu dua bina selama-lamanya.

  114. Finally my childhood bestie off market sdah. 😂 Indahh sungguh kalian 😍🥹 Congratulation Adi & Welmon. Jaga adi baik2 ya Welmon. Hope dpt attend ur Big Day. ❤️

  115. My Chae Song Hwa finally met her Ik Joon❤️ Semoga yg baik2 buat kamu dua. Tunggu kami datang okayyy! Tidak sabar but at the same time feels like my bestie mau kawin dh🥹🥹🥹 See you all after 55 days✨

  116. Through the storms of life, may your love for one another be steadfast and strong. Wishing you joy and happiness on your wedding day. Congratulations adel😍😍😭😭. Finally kahwin juga my bestfren😭.

  117. Selamat menjadi pasangan husband and wife Adelletes & Welmon ✨🤍 finalleh Adel x galau sudah tanya2 soalan cinta monyet 🤭🤪😆 have wholesome married life both of you 🥳

  118. Happy Wedding Day!

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Adelynn & Welmon

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