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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Amir & Sisca

Our Wedding

Amir & Sisca

5ᵗʰ of June 2023

“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

1 John 4:16

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Love Story


It was a chilly November morning, Amir’s first day of work at a café called Devon. As he patiently waited on the steps of the café’s front door, a figure of an angel approached. Sisca had walked up and as she paused and gazed at the unfamiliar but sweet face, she smiled. Little did they know, their life was about to be completely transformed. Days turned to months to years, the two grew an undeniable connection. Work then became an excuse for the pair as it was the highlight to their day.


Sometime around mid-2018, Sisca had just left Devon to grow her wings elsewhere. Creating a separation in their weekly schedule, the pair began to miss each other’s presence. It was at this stage Amir finally confessed his love to Sisca. Their highlight shifted from work to more daily task such as morning coffees, dinner dates, desserts dates, grocery runs, and everything in between. It took one year for Amir to convince Sisca, that what they have is forever.


From the day they met, all Amir ever spoke about was getting married and planning for a family. It was at the back of his head all the time. Sometime around late 2021, Amir decided it was finally the time to plan the dream he had always spoke about. It took him, 6 months to find the perfect diamond ring. Even more months to find the perfect venue. And with the help of a few friends, on the night of 5th June 2022, under all of the beautiful shining stars and the annual Sydney Vivid lights, Amir got down on bended knee, and asked the most important questions of his life.


Exactly one year from the date the pair got engaged, 5th June 2023, marks not only the anniversary for the pair, but also tying the knot in Holy matrimony. They pair are thrilled to have each and every one of you to witness their faithful promise to each other.


Khairi Amir Jamil

Second Son of
The late Mr. Mohd Jamil
& Mrs. Dian Abdullah (Lai Yuet Ming)



Fransisca Natalia Setiawan

Fourth Daughter of
Mr. Ook Setiawan
& Mrs. Tien Setiawan

Holy Matrimony

Monday, 5ᵗʰ of June 2023

01.00 PM – End

Paperbark Grove North
Centennial Park, Sydney

Centennial Park NSW 2021, Australia

Drinks and canape to follow

Dresscode : Cocktail

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”


We would like to share this special moment with you. Please confirm your attendance below.

RSVP Amir & Sisca

Virtual Wedding

With a grateful and joyful heart, we would like to invite you to witness our Holy Matrimony through live streaming, with link below:

Wedding Gift

However, if giving is your sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.


Share this moment and don’t forget to tag us via instagram 
@khairiamir @siscasetiawan

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us 


  1. Congratulations on your wedding Siss and Ko Amir. May God always be the center of your marriage. May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and trust through your lifetime! Can’t wait to see you both 🫶🏻🫶🏻

  2. Dear Sisca and Amir
    Congrats for your wedding! May the years ahead be filled with love and joy. God bless you❤️❤️

  3. CHEERS!🥂 Congratulations Amir and Sisca!

  4. Sisca &Amir
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru
    Lancar acaranya dan lancar kehidupan nya
    Selalu bersyukur Tuhan selalu memberkati

  5. congratulations for both of you,wishing you a wonderful journey❤️
    all the best 😘

  6. Congratulations lovebirds!!! extremely happy for you both, and cant wait to celebrate your special day <3

  7. “May you forever find joy in the eyes of each other, warmth in each others arms, love in each others hearts.”
    Sing langgeng, happy, selalu andalkan Tuhan yaa,,, love u dear,,, i’m really2 happy for both of u ,,, Gbu

  8. congratulations. wish u and jie jie all the best. happy forever

  9. Oh My Gih.. Im so really excited and happy for you Guys!!!!!! Super Congratz!!

  10. Semoga Dede berbahagia selamanya sama amir

  11. Wooo!! So happy for u both, congratulations guys! ❤️
    Happily ever after! Xx

  12. excited for your new journey!

  13. Two crazy awesome humans found each other 😄 HORAYY!!! 🍷😆 cant wait for your wedding!! Luv u both 🩵

  14. Congratulations for you both!
    Can’t wait to see your dress ! 😍

  15. Amir & Sisca, your dating years were filled with much love and joy and I can only sense your Wedding day will be celebrated with great happiness too…

    May all your blessings grow stronger each and every passing year…

  16. Congratulations for both of you!!! Its a pleasure to attend your special day xxx

  17. Congratulations to both of you !! It’s a pleasure for me to attend your wedding!! So excited already ! Can’t wait to see u both on your special day:)

  18. Ini tuh tempat buat nulis ucapan ke pasangan ya. Tapi gapapa mari sebelumnya kita sama” mengapresiasi undangan yang bagus banget plus foto”nya yg gemes banget.

    Anyway, happy wedding day for both of you.

    P.S.: Sisca gosah jungkir balik depan altar. I’m watching you! 😘

  19. Congratulations Sisca & Amir! We are so happy to be able to see your journey since the start and see how you both have grown. Cannot wait to celebrate your special day.
    Lots of love ❤

  20. Hi Sisca , i’m so happy for you and Amir , Goodluck on your special day . Amir please take care of her , make her the happiest she’s ever been 🤍 God bless you guys

  21. It is a pleasure for us to attend your wedding. Really glad to know you both as a colleague and a friend. Really happy and excited to see you guys unite to each other and to God. Cannot wait! 💞

  22. I am so honored and thrilled to be invited to celebrate your love and commitment to each other.Seeing the two of you together is a true testament to the power of love and the importance of finding someone who makes your heart sing. I have known Amir for many years and have seen him grow into the amazing person he is today. Seeing him with Sisca, I can see that he has truly found his soulmate. Sisca, I have never seen Amir as happy as he is with you by his side, and for that, I am eternally grateful!🥳🎉🌟😘

  23. Really love this couple.
    Beruntung banget bisa jadi saksi kalian bikin janji di hadapan Tuhan..
    Sukses buat segalanya yah.
    Can’t wait!!
    Love you 🥰🥰

  24. Will come for sure !
    Can’t wait !

  25. Two of my favourite person are getting married!!! Excited for your new chapter of life 🤍

  26. Omg!!! Finally!!! Can’t wait to see!!
    Fran and Amir, I live you both of you from bottom of my heart. And truly you two are God’s plan. It’s horn or to attend you two my favourite ppls wedding. Can’t wait!!!!!!!

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Amir & Sisca

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