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You Are Invited!

The Wedding of

Andrew & Rizka

Our Wedding

Andrew & Rizka

Saturday, February 25ᵗʰ 2023

“And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:14-15

We Found Love

“The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.”

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”

Andrew Hotmando Damanik

Son of
Mr. Rahmat Damanik
& Mrs. Tiarasi Sihaloho

Rizka Sakti Cendani Sari

Daughter of
Mr. Kasiyanto
& Mrs. Sri Sutarni

Wedding Reception

Saturday, February 25ᵗʰ 2023

11.00 AM – 01.00 PM (WIB)

Grand Avilla Ballroom

Jl. Gading Golf Boulevard
Summarecon Gading, Cihuni,
Pagedangan, Tangerang Regency, Banten


We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Andrew & Rizka

Health Protocol

Wear a mask


Wash your hands

Avoid contact

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us


  1. Happy Wedding Bg Andrew dan Kaka.
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga langgeng sampe beranak cucu hingga maut memisahkan. Tuha Yesus Memberkati 🙏

  2. Congratulation for tying the knot bu direktur

  3. may the force be with you, Wish you all the best brotha!

  4. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Rizka. Semoga semuanya berjalan lancar dan langgeng.

  5. happy wedding nyonya dan bapak damanik, mantaabssss…..

  6. Happy Wedding Ya Andrew & Rizka.. Kiranya semua persiapannya berjalan Lancar, dan dalam membangun kehidupan berkeluarganya selalu diberkati Tuhan.

  7. Happy Wedding… Semoga lancar yah, langgeng, bahagia selalu. Amin

  8. Selamat semoga langsung dapat momongan kembar Amin🤲…..

  9. Selamat menempuh hidup baru mt brader andrew and rizka. Semoga pernikahannya selalu diberkati Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan langgeng, Aamiin.

  10. congrats ndrew & rizka
    happily ever after ya
    god bless cheers 🍻🍻😇

  11. Semoga lancar dalam membangun kehidupan berumah tangga

  12. Selamat atas pernikahannya brother . Lancar kedepannya . Amin

  13. happy birthday john semoga panjang umur selamat sampai tujuan.. kabarin kalo udah sampe..

  14. Cantiikkkk…selaammaatt….smg lancar sampai hari H..😘😘😘

  15. Prohkiyyy so happy for you both!! Happy wedding prohkiyyy! Jadi keluarga bahagia seru dan keren ya!

  16. Wooooo! Congrats Cha & Andrew! Lancar sampe hari H, senantiasa dilimpahkan kasih dan sayang oleh Tuhan!

  17. happy wedding ca andrew!
    semoga samara. wkwk
    sakinah mawadah wa rohmah ~

  18. Congratulations for the lovebirds! May your marriage always filled with joy, peace, and love toward each other. God bless your new family as you enter a new chapter of your life. Cheers!!

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Andrew & Rizka

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