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The Wedding Celebration of

Calvin & Kana

Our Wedding

Calvin & Kana

7 Mei 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together,
let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Love Story

February 16, 2019 :

Our love story began when Calvin walked into
Kana’s hostel. We both felt an instant connection as
soon as our eyes met.

August 13, 2019 :

Our very first date. Calvin took Kana to a cozy Indonesian
restaurant in Osaka. The ambiance was perfect, and we
talked for hours, lost in each other’s company.

December 8, 2019 :

We decided to make it official and became a couple.

May 5, 2022 :

Calvin’s proposal left Kana breathless, and she said “Yes!“
without hesitation

September 21, 2022 :

We registered our marriage at the city hall,
sealing our love forever.

May 7, 2023 :

The most memorable day of our lives: our wedding day.


Calvin Dharmawan

The Son of
Mr. Eddy Dharmawan
& Mrs. Aminah Diana



Kana Kashio

The Daughter of
Mr. Koji Kashio
& Mrs. Kazue Kashio

Holy Matrimony

Sunday, May 7ᵗʰ, 2023

2.45 – 3.30 PM

 Notre Dame Osaka One

6 Chome-1-16 Shimaya, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0024
Hotel Universal Port Vita 12F

Wedding Reception

Sunday, May 7ᵗʰ, 2023

4.00 – 6.30 PM

 Notre Dame Osaka One

6 Chome-1-16 Shimaya, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0024
Hotel Universal Port Vita 12F

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”


Kami tidak sabar menunggu hari pernikahan kami bersama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, mohon konfirmasi kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i. Terima kasih.

RSVP Calvin & Kana

Q & A

For all our friends and family who have lots of questions, please check out our Q & A first!

Apa dresscode untuk tamu pria?

Untuk Pria, setelan Jas gelap atau Batik. Jangan menggunakan dasi warna hitam.

Apa dresscode untuk tamu Wanita?

Untuk Wanita, gaun yang tidak menampakan bahu atau terlalu banyak memaparkan kulit.
Jika anda ingin mengenakan gaun yang memperlihatkan bahu, harus menutupinya dengan selendang atau bolero.
Jangan menggunakan warna putih atau full hitam (baju hitam + tas hitam + sepatu hitam).
Silahkan mengunjungi website berikut untuk detail (Aktifkan auto translate dari website)

Jam berapa acara dimulai? Jam berapa tamu harus datang?

Jadwal acara dimulai dengan pemberkatan nikah pada pukul 14:45, diikuti oleh pesta pernikahan.
Penerimaan tamu dibuka mulai pukul 14:00, dan setelah tamu melakukan check-in di buku tamu,
akan diarahkan ke lounge yang menyediakan minuman gratis sehingga tamu bisa bersantai
menunggu dimulainya acara.
Mohon hadir sebelum pukul 14:45, karena acara akan dimulai tepat waktu dan tidak akan
menunggu tamu yang terlambat.

Bagaimana makanan dan minuman disajikan.

Makanan akan disajikan dalam bentuk Course. Apabila ada alergi atau pantangan terhadap makanan/minuman tertentu, harap sampaikan beberapa hari sebelumnya.

Apakah masker diharuskan?

Tidak diharuskan ketika acara. Namun untuk ketika berada dalam kendaraan umum atau keadaan penuh ramai, harap memakai masker untuk alasan pencegahan covid-19.

Apakah boleh mengambil foto dengan handphone pribadi pada saat acara?

Ya, tentu saja.

Hal-hal lain apakah yang perlu saya ketahui mengingat etiket pernikahan yang sangat berbeda di Jepang?

Etiket pernikahan di jepang cukup berbeda dengan pernikahan di negara barat maupun di Indonesia. Anda dapat mengakses artikel website berikut untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang etiket atau budaya pernikahan di jepang.

Leave your message here


  1. Congratulations Calvin & Kana.. Finally you have marked a new step in you live boi Calvin, my friend since childhood. I hope that your marriage with Kana will always be filled with respect, love, and care for each other forever. Happy for both of you.. Cheers!!!

  2. Congrats ya Calvin and Kana.. Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day..

  3. Ga kerasa 1 bulan lagi akhirnya semua persiapan nikahan bakalan selesai ya. Wishing you joy, love, and happiness on your wedding day.
    Congratulation and lots of love to you both!

  4. Thank you for letting us share in your special day. Wishing you well as you embark on this nexr chapter of life. May your years ahead be filled with love and joy!

    Congratulation Calvin & Kana!

  5. I am not religious, but for our dear Friend Calvin and wife Kana,

    I’ll say a little prayer, for;
    The faint smell of flowers in the air
    The staples of spring budding from the ground
    If their reach is this close, let it always be

    Love that flows from the night, grey cities
    Embracing the golden sunrise
    From the depth of a heart

    He’ll be by your side,
    And he’ll be a faithful man
    She’ll hold you fast;
    Because she knows it’s never enough

    Thus held each other close; and nights won’t be as cold
    With smiles warming it through,
    The warm soft sunlight in the winter morning of March

    For both–
    If there comes a time when any of you are lost
    Look back and find for yourselves
    The one love, that is there for you

    When the skies are blue, when you found a place
    Where you see once more, dreams that took you here
    And ever more !!

    Modified excerpt of ‘ 二人生の交差点 ‘,
    Originally written : June 11th, 2017, Osaka, Japan

    PS: See you guys soon !~

  6. Congratulations Calvin & Kana! May your new chapter of life brings joy, wisdom, and blessing for both of you and your whole family! See u in Osaka!

  7. Congrats Calvin and Kana, hope for the best for your wedding and a happy, cheerful, blessing marriage life ahead.

  8. Congratulations bro! Wish you a happy new journey! Wish the best for your new family! God bless ya. Sorry ga bisa dtng bro 🙏🏻

  9. Congratulations Brother. We will be there to witness your memorable day and see you soon.

  10. Selamat ya vin, akhirnya wedding jugaa.. Resepsinya kejauhaaaan dari khuntien, belum bisa hadir di sana ya.. Saya doakan yg terbaik untuk Calvin dan Kana, semoga dilancarkan semua persiapannya sampai hari H nanti..
    Pernikahan yang sesungguhnya itu dimulai setelah acara resepsi sampai seumur hidup, semoga diberikan keberkahan menjadi keluarga yang bahagia, anak yang banyak, rejeki yang lancar, dan sehat terus sampai hari tua..

    Congats, Calvin dan Hana.. God bless all of you..

  11. Happy wedding Calvin & Kana,

    Hope the both of you are always blessed with love, health, and happiness.

    All the best to your wedding ceremony!

  12. Congratulation to Calvin & Kana.
    Wish you live happily ever after
    and also wish you all the best

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Terima kasih

Calvin & Kana

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