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The Wedding Celebration of

Cellino & Magdalena

Our Wedding

Cellino & Magdalena

July 1ˢᵗ, 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

“Thank you for always making me laugh even when i cannot even dare to give a smile.”


Cellino Archenova

Son of
Mr. Liauw Kong Fung
& Mrs. Lim Lie Siang



Magdalena Suminto

Daughter of
Mr. Gunawan Suminto
& Mrs. Han Lieliek Roemsari

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, July 1ˢᵗ 2023

1.00 PM WITA

Gereja Katolik Maria
Bunda Segala Bangsa

Jl. kuruksetra no. 202
Benoa, Bali

Wedding Reception

Saturday, July 1ˢᵗ 2023

5.30 PM WITA

Ocean Lawn
The Apurva Kempinski Bali

Jl. Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, Benoa, Bali

“I never planned it, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”


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We would like to share this special moment with you. Please confirm your attendance below.

RSVP Cellino & Magdalena

Wedding Gift

However, if giving is your sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us


  1. Happy wedding !!

  2. Happy wedding 🥳

  3. Happy wedding brother smoga langgeng smpe kakek nenek🥳🥳

  4. Happy weeding kawanku🥳

  5. Dear Maggie n Cellino.. Happy Wedding lovebirds, finnallyyy !! God bless your new family.. hope happiness will always be with you and your family.. we love youu ❤️

  6. 新婚快乐兄弟

    Kalau diinget inget waktu ini singkat yak, baru aja merasa lulus SMA , trus masing2 merantau dengan jalannya masing2.. ee.skrang uda bilang mau merried.. so proud off u mate, menatap lembaran baru kehidupan baru, 加油您可以的兄弟。

  7. Happy wedding brother Cellino and Magdalena

  8. Happy Wedding Lino & Maggie 🥰🤍 Happily Ever After 🤍🤍🎉

  9. Happy wedding bro…semoga langgeng terus dan bahagia selalu sampai selamanya 😁😁😁

  10. Happy wedding, happily ever after 🎉🫶🏻

  11. Congratulation magda and cellino 💕💕

  12. Happy wedding kawan…selamat menempuh hidup baru

  13. Happy Wedding Maggie and Ko Cellino!!😍😍🥰🥰😘😘 sampe kakek nenek yak!

  14. Happy wedding for both of youu 🥳🙏

  15. Congratulations on your wedding ko Lino and ci magie… wishing you both all the happiness and god bless you two❤️

  16. m-Transfer :
    28/06 07:23:57
    Ke 7881009882
    Rp. 250,000.00
    Ref 122927058

  17. Dear Magda and Cellino,

    Congratulations on your wedding.
    Wishing you all the love, joy and happiness that universe could offer.

    Cheers 🙂

  18. Sugeng polokrami lan ndherek mangayubagyo! Mugi Gusti amberkahi rahmat pengantin kekalih Magda❤️Cellino
    Berkah Dalem🙏

  19. Congratulations! Semoga berkah selalu dan jd berkat buat banyak orang ya.
    *prewed foto kalian cute bgt hahaha

  20. Congrat ya … GOD Bless your live journey for you both… andalkan Tuhan disetiap proses kehidupan kalian berdua… dan mintalah Kasih Nya terus menerus memenuhi kehidupan kalian..
    Doa kami menyertai kalian… Magda ❤️ Cellino…😍😍
    Tuhan Yesus memberkati dan Bunda Maria menyertai…

  21. Congratulations and happy wedding Lino & Maggie!! God bless 🙏🏻💙 may your marriage is always filled with laughter, blessing and love!

  22. Congratulations Cellino &maggie
    Happy wedding.,,semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek🥰

  23. Congratulations Cellino & Magda!
    Wishing you all the love and happiness!

  24. Congratulations for both of you Cellino & maggie.. Tuhan selalu memberkati, selamat menempuh hidup baru berdua dan bahagia selalu🙏..

  25. Congratulations Maggie & Cellino!! May you both live happily ever after

  26. Congratulations to Magda and Cellino. May God bless your marriage.

  27. congratulations on your wedding! happily ever after Magda & Cellino 💜

  28. Congrats for your wedding! May you enjoy the love and happiness of each other for eternity❤️

  29. Semoga samawa ya guys 👏🏻😇

  30. Congratulations for your wedding, God bless you two in HIS abundance love May your love story continues forever after with HIS LOVE

  31. Congratulations and wishing both of you have a wonderfull life and happy forever… ❤️🥂

  32. congratulations celino and Maggie, wish you both have a happiness live together.
    God bless

  33. Congratulations Maggie and Cellino, wishing you both a wonderful and happy life together ❤️ God bless your marriage.

  34. Congrats ya Lino & Maggie.
    Tuhan berkati dan kasih yang manis selalu ada dalam pernikahan kalian.

    God bless 🙏🏻

  35. Menikah dapat menjadi surga dan neraka.
    Surga bagi yang melibatkan Yesus dalam rumah tangga dan neraka bagi yang mementingkan ego masing-masing

    Selamat menempuh bahtera rumah tangga
    Tuhan Yesus memberkati

  36. Congrats Lino and Maggie May God bless your marriage .

  37. Congrats ya Lino and Maggie. We wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness

  38. Congrats Lino
    Happy Wedding Lino
    Selamatt menempuh hidup baru.. GBU

  39. Congrats yaa Cellino & Maggie !!
    Wish you both all the best and happily ever after!! 💐🥰

  40. Congratulations lovebirds! Wishing you two a very happy and blessed married life! 💖

  41. Congrats yaa Maggie and Cellino. We are so happy for both of you. Semoga semua lancar till the big day and bahagia terus sampe kakek nenek ya! See you soon, xx.

  42. Happy wedding Cellino and Maggie..
    Congratulations on your wedding day and best wishes for a happy life together.

  43. Congrats to celino dan maggie ,
    Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

    Chrees 🍻

  44. Happy Wedding bro, Cellino and Maggie, semoga semuanya lancar,langgeng sampai selamanya dan cepat dapat momongan.🙏🙏🙏🙏
    God Bless👍🏻👍🏻

  45. Congrats Maggie n Cellino,

    What a happy news, amazing couple becomes a family. Wishing you guys have wonderful life together and only happy forever! God bless this family.

  46. Lancar” brotherku sampai hari H
    🙏🏼 doany yah cpt” kasi axel teman main 😂. Langgeng yah brother and sister.

  47. Congrats 🥳🥳🥳
    Happy wedding bro cellino dan sis Maggie .wish you both all The best and happily ever after ya … GOd Bless 😘😘😘😘

  48. Congrats sis maggie and bro celine, so happy for u both ❤️❤️ wishing u a lifetime of wedded bliss 🥳🥳

  49. Congrats Lino and Maggie 🤎 best wishes for a fun filled future together!! Lots of love from us 🤎

  50. Maggie and Cellinooo!! Super super happy for both of you! Saw both of you grow together makes me so happy! Hopefully we can see you guys very soon! ❤️

  51. Happy wedding my bro😁😁 langggeng terus ya sampai maut memisahkan…sehat selalu..menjadi keluarga yang bahagia dan cepat dapat momongan 🙏🙏🙏

  52. Happy wedding my sister and my brother 💚💚
    Bahagia selalu dan menjadi keluarga yg penuh sukacita dan diberkati.. Aminn 😇😇

  53. HAPPY WEDDING OUR BEBI BROSIS❤️‍🔥 we love you& wish u greatly marriage life ahead. Love forever & always.

  54. wishing you a very delightful marriage ce Magda! very happy that our crossed path and looking forward to attends your wedding💗💗

  55. Happy wedding to my beloved brother & sister. I cannot put into words how happy and excited I am for your big day. Wishing you a life time of happiness and for sure a successful life ahead! 💚💚💚💚💚

  56. Selamat menempuh hidup baru 😊 semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek,cepat dapat momongan 😊😊 Tuhan Yesus memberkati 🙏

  57. Congrats ya lino and maggie ❤️ So happy for u two…

  58. Happy wedding Cellino and Maggie. Wish you both all the best🎉🎉

  59. Happy Wedding ko celino dan ce magda, So Happy For you two, sory banget gabisa datang. Semoga kko dan cce selalu bahagia, selalu sukses, selalu sehat dan Diberkati Tuhan ya Amin ❤️❤️. Lancarr teruss yaaa ce and kko.

  60. Happy Wedding Bro Cellino & Sis Maggie!!! Wishing you both have a blissfull marriage with endless Love and happiness ❤️❤️

  61. Happy wedding for both of youu ♥️♥️♥️

  62. Congrats yaa for both of you!! Wish you both all the best and happily ever after!! 🥰

  63. Congratss Brother linoo 🔥🙌🙌

  64. I’m happy for you celino and

    Slmat mljlnin hidup baru in dengan suka cita dri Tuhan dan kasih, berkat dari Tuhan menyertai xan brdua smpi maut memisahkan, bahagia sllu yaa 😇👏

  65. “Happy Wedding Maggie ❤️ Cellino. Here’s to a lifetime full of happiness and love.”

  66. Finally Mentor” ku getting Married..
    I’m so happy for both of you ko & ci🫶🏻. Happy Wedding yo❤️❤️, Gbu, bahagia selalu ya,❤️‍🔥💖

  67. Happy wedding Maggiee and Cellino!

  68. Happy wedding Maggie and Cellino🎉💖 May your marriage blessed with never ending love and happiness. GBU brother and sister💖

  69. Hwaa!! Happpyy weddingg my angels💖💖 bahagia selalu dan hari hari selalu dipenuhi oleh cintaa 😘✨

  70. Happy Wedding Maggie and Cellino! Wish u both all the happiness the world could ever offers! May ur marriage life full of blessing and love 💖💖

  71. I’m so so so happy for both of you angels♥️ wishing you guys a lifetime of happiness!!

  72. Happy Wedding Maggie & Cellino!! Wishing u two a very happy and blessed married life!

  73. Happy wedding onty and uncle favorit thesiaaa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ cepet kasih temen thesia yaah 🥺🫶🏻

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Cellino & Magdalena

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