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The Wedding Celebration of

​Daniel & Wewei

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The Wedding of
Daniel & Wewei

Our Wedding

Daniel & Wewei

3 Desember 2023

“And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:14-15

We Found Love

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One Love

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Daniel Roy Mond

Putra dari
Bpk. Tn. William Lim /
Lim Tek Hie

& Ibu Ny. Suniarni /
Heng Li Miau

Wewei Lineg

Putri dari
Bpk. Tn. Lido Negara / Lie kok Djin
& Ibu Ny. Vera Salim / Lim Tio Hiang

Pemberkatan Nikah

Minggu, 3 Desember 2023

13.00 WIB s/d Selesai

Gereja Katolik Gembala Baik
Paroki Pontianak / Seng Hie

Jl. Sultan Moh No 222

Resepsi Pernikahan

Minggu, 3 Desember 2023

17.00 s/d 20.00 WIB

Harris Hotel Pontianak
Bright Ballroom Lt. 3

Jl. Gajah Mada No. 150

Konfirmasi Kehadiran

Kami tidak sabar menunggu hari pernikahan kami bersama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, mohon konfirmasi kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i. Terima kasih.

RSVP Daniel & Wewei

Amplop Digital

Bagi keluarga dan sahabat yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah, silakan mengirimkannya melalui tautan berikut:

Happy Moments

Tinggalkan pesan/doa untuk kami


  1. To: Weiwei – Danie

    Congrats lovebirds! So happy for you both! And cheers to having found your life-long partner and for finally tying the knot! May you have a long, happy & blessed mariage ’till forever 🤍

    Much love, Ai-Mt

  2. Happy Wedding Ahia and Cece.. semoga Tuhan memberkati keluarga kalian, sejahtera dan langgeng selamanya. God Bless You guys ❤️

  3. Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk Wewei dan Daniel. Tuhan memberkati😍

  4. Congratulations Daniel and Wewei

  5. Congrats weiwei & daniel

  6. Congrats ahia dan wei2. Semoga lancar2 sampai hari H.
    Bahagia dan langgeng sampai kakek nenek ya. 😇🙏

  7. congratulations bro, bahagia selalu

  8. Congrats utk kefua mempelai

  9. Selamat menempuh hidup baru utk Daniel dan Dominique. Kita doakan yg terbaik, awet dan langgeng selalu 🥳🥰

  10. Selamat menempuh hidup baru utk Daniel dan Dominique. Kita doakan yg terbaik, awet dan langgeng selalu 🥳🥰

  11. congretz

  12. Happy wedding koi.. semoga langgeng n bahagia selalu

  13. Happy wedding ya Daniel & Wewei.
    Langgeng selalu sampai kakek nenek.

  14. Selamat ya bro Daniel n wewei semoga bahagia slalu

  15. Happy wedding koi. Semoga langgeng Dan bahagia selalu

  16. Selamat menempuh hidup baru yaa.. Semoga smua dilancarkan, happy wedding & happy new family ever after both of you.. Congrat yaa Koi & Wewei..

  17. Ahia & Ce Weiwei, wishing you smooth preparations until D-day. Congratulations on this nee chapter of life, praying for you a happily every after 🦋 🩵

  18. Congrats to my brother and to the love of his life. May this new chapter bring lots of joy, excitement and love to both of you

  19. Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Semoga menjadi keluarga yg selalu diberi kebahagian hingga tua nanti .💗💗💞

  20. Congratz Koi & Wewei…!!!

    Bahagia & Rukun selalu hingga maut memisahkan…


  21. Selamat ya weiii & roymond.. semoga di lancarkan di hari H,
    Suka duka selalu bersama sampai maut memisahkan ya weii… ❤️❤️

  22. Happy Wedding Bestie❤️❤️❤️ bahagia san bersama hinggau maut memisahkan…

  23. Congrats Weiwei & Ko Daniel , blast of happiness! 💍

  24. happy wedding ya koi, langgeng dan solid terus. wish both of you all the best for your marriage life !!!

  25. Finally! Congratulations guys!
    Best wishesss for youu 🥰

  26. Best brother. Hadir.🙏✌️

  27. Selamat daniel dan wei2. Lancar sampai hari H yaa❤️❤️

  28. Congrats yaa .. Lancar sampai Hari H! So happy for you both! ❤️❤️

  29. Selamat hidup berbahagia buat kalian berdua. langgeng terus sampai maut memisahkan. Mulai hidup bersama saling memahami dan saling mengerti pribadi masing-masing sampai ujung waktu nanti.

    love you guys.

    Alle & Vivi

  30. Wish you both have a happy ever after marriage life. May God bless you.

  31. Congrats Wei and Daniel! Lancar” sampai Hari H! So happy for you both! 😘😘❤️

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Terima kasih

Daniel & Wewei

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