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The Wedding Celebration of

Dinda & Jeffri

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The Wedding of
Dinda & Jeffri

Our Wedding

Dinda & Jeffri

07 November 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

We Found Love

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One Love

“Happy marriages begin when we marry
the ones we love, and they blossom when
we love the ones we marry.”

Dinda Adventina Laksita Puri

Putri dari
Bpk. Gregorius Wisnugraha
& Ibu Prabandari Diyah Murwani

Jeffri Junianto Suharno

Putra dari
Bpk. Sri Suharno
& Ibu Paula Winarti

Pemberkatan Pernikahan

Selasa, 07 November 2023

10.00 WIB

Gereja HKTY Ganjuran Bantul

Jl. Ganjuran, Jogodayoh, Sumbermulyo,
Kec. Bambanglipuro, Kab. Bantul,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Resepsi Pernikahan

Selasa, 07 November 2023

20.00 s/d 21.00 WIB

Bale Perwita

Blado, Potorono,
Banguntapan, Kab. Bantul,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Konfirmasi Kehadiran

Kami tidak sabar menunggu hari pernikahan kami bersama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, mohon konfirmasi kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i. Terima kasih.

RSVP Dinda & Jeffri

Amplop Digital

Bagi keluarga dan sahabat yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah, silakan mengirimkannya melalui tautan berikut:

Happy Moments

Tinggalkan pesan/doa untuk kami


  1. Congratz!!

  2. Nasi Goreng seafood satu, ndak pedes acarnya dibanyakin,,, minumnya Es Teh Tawar tapi esnya dikit aja,,,

  3. Selamaattt Dinda Peppy💕💕

    Semoga semakin berbahagia, saling sayang dan penuh cinta kasih selamanyaaaa

    Sending love love love 💕💕

  4. Mantapp pep!

  5. Lesgo, GGWP!

  6. Happy wedding pepy dan dinda, semoga lancar sampai hari H, bahagia dan sehat selalu ya

  7. Selamat menikah peppy dan dinda, semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah mawadah warahmah 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻😁

  8. 안녕 우리 사랑하는 친구 딘다야! 그리고 제프리 내 친구도!
    Happy wedding you two! I literally witnessed how your love blooms since you two were teens! You really are made for each other, I’m so happy this is where the love brings you guys✨ I wish I could’ve literally witnessed your marriage and be there 😭 I’ll meet you when I’m in jogja✨ I love you kakakuw Dindaaa🥰 inspiring person and full of kindness in and out. May God pours love, happiness, and prosperity to your new little happy family✨ Finally, tying the knots!!!

  9. 결혼 축하한다 🎉 💗

    No words can describe how happy I am!! 💕
    May God bless you marriage with the bestest bless that He can gives.

    행복해 잘 살아💖

  10. shedding literal tears!!!! congratulations miss dinda dan koko. semoga besok ada little babies yg juga mahir main valorant bersama aunty agra dkk sama papi maminya! truly, genuinely happy for you both, and praying that your home will always be filled with happiness and love! <3

  11. Selamat dan bahagia selalu untuk Dinda dan suami. Tuhan memberkati keluarga kalian. Amin

  12. Hi Dindun! So happy you and your soulmate finally will tie the knot. But, I’m sorry that i couldn’t be there but my praying will.

    Bersiap mengarungi kehidupan baru, saling menguatkan dan memahami sampai maut memisahkan.

    Jesus bless U all 🫂💕😘✨️

  13. Hi ndun & cecep! setelah 8 tahun aku mengetahui perjalanan kalian dari jaman masih cimit akhirnyaaa SELAMATTTT BOTH OF YOU <3 tidak menyangka akan datang saatnya aku menangisi undangan ini (menangis bahagia). Bahagia selalu, saling mengasihi, saling menguatkan, saling mengisi satu sama lain. SABARRRRRRR. ceeeep harap sabaar kalo nanti aku akan datang jauh-jauh dari jakarta cuma mau rusuhin rumah kalian. lov u guys <3

  14. Happy wedding mas bro dan mbak bro, akhirnya yaa kalian 💕 ikut terharu banget kalian dah nikah, semoga bahagia selalu 💕 love you guys 🥰

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Terima kasih

Dinda & Jeffri

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