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The Wedding Celebration of

Fran & Lisa

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The Wedding of
Fran & Lisa

Our Wedding

Fran & Lisa

December 16ᵗʰ, 2023

“But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.
So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no separate.”

Mark 10:6-9

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Love Story


The first time we met was a moment I will never forget our relationship is getting closer.


Our relationship has been going on for 1 year, day by day we go through together.


The longer our relationship the more problems we experience, the good and bad of each other’s.


Time so flies, in this year that we plan to make our relationship to marriage.


After the plan day by day we continue to do our best for each other to improve all sides, in ourselves and our lives.


The commitment that we have kept so far is not an easy things, of course there are ups and downs in a relationship.


Now almost 7 years together finally going one step closer
Yess, we are getting married
we were born to have each other 🤍


Francini Abortia Lius

Son of
Mr. Liu Djin Sin
& Mrs. Chang Tjiu Moi




Daughter of
Mr. Lim Sun An
& Mrs. Sung Dju Fah

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, December 16ᵗʰ 2023

9.00 AM WIB – end

GBI Borneo Blessing 

Jl. Nurul Huda No 93-94,

Wedding Reception

Saturday, December 16ᵗʰ 2023

5.00 PM – 8.00 PM WIB

(Ruangan Bright Ballroom Lantai 3)

Jl. Gajah Mada No.150,

“Faith makes all things possible.
Love makes all things easy.”

Tag us on Instagram
@franss_liu & @lissa.lim
by using our Instagram Filter below

Attendance Confirmation

We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Fran & Lisa

Wedding Gift

Kindly grace our marriage with your blessing.
We’ll be delighted and forever grateful to receive your love


Share the Day on Instagram
and Tag Us Both at
@franss_liu & @lissa.lim

Happy Moments

Write your best wishes 


  1. Happy wedding Lisa & Husb 🥳
    Happily ever after 👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️

  2. nyusul juga Bossku 🎉🎉 smoga lenggeng smpai akhir hayat 🥳🙏 Cpt Nyusul Junior nya 👶🏻

  3. Happy wedding, Lisa. Langgeng sampai akhir hayat yah.
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru.

  4. Happy wedding lisa.. happily ever after 💜
    Tuhan berkati selalu keluarga kecil kalian.. 😇🙏

  5. Happy wedding, semoga acaranya lancar hingga selesai😇🙏🏻langgeng hingga maut yg memisahkan amin Tuhan Berkati😇

  6. Selamat menempuh hidup baru yaa Lisa & frans 👰🤵bahagia selalu n segera dapat momongan Amin.

  7. Happy Wedding ce Lisa & pasangan 👰🏻‍♀️🤵🎊
    Semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek yaa.
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk kalian 🥰✨

  8. Selamat atas pernikahannya, semoga sehat selalu dan semua yang diinginkan bisa terwujud.
    The best choice ever in the world is married

  9. Selamat,,fran🙂

  10. Selamat,,fran🙂

  11. Selamat,,fran🙂

  12. Congratulations to both of you on your special day. Your greatest adventure has just begun.

  13. Selamat ya akhirnya menjadi 1 ..
    Semoga kehidupan selanjutnya selalu di karunia suka cita dalam rumah tangga kalian berdua … Amin ♥️♥️

  14. Selamat menempuh awal hidup yang baru…
    Semoga menjadi keluarga harmonis dan berlimpah berkah,,,
    Happily ever after ci el & ko fran

  15. Selamat menempuh awal hidup yang baru…
    Semoga menjadi keluarga harmonis dan berlimpah berkah,,,
    Happily ever after ci el & ko fran

  16. Semoga pernikahan yang kalian bangun mulai hari ini menjadi awal bagi keluarga yang harmonis, penuh dengan kegembiraan, dan saling melengkapi. Happy Wedding Day sahabat. 🤗

  17. Semoga pernikahan yang kalian bangun mulai hari ini menjadi awal bagi keluarga yang harmonis, penuh dengan kegembiraan, dan saling melengkapi. Happy Wedding Day sahabat. 🤗

  18. Selamat ya Frans & Lisa semoga semoga langgeng terus 😇😇😇 di berikan rezeki yang berlimpah amin

  19. Selamat ya Frans & Lisa semoga semoga langgeng terus 😇😇😇 di berikan rezeki yang berlimpah amin

  20. Selamat ya Frans & Lisa semoga semoga langgeng terus 😇😇😇 di berikan rezeki yang berlimpah amin

  21. Happy Wedding, semoga bahagia, segera diberi momongan, dan selamat menempuh hidup baru ya sahabat

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Fran & Lisa

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