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The Wedding Celebration of

Hanna & Radit

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The Wedding of Hanna & Radit

Our Wedding

Hanna & Radit

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

(QS. Ar- Rum 21)

One Love

“To love is not to possess,
Nor to lose oneself in another,
Love is to join and separate,
To walk alone and together,
To find a laughing freedom,
To be who we really are.”


Hanna Nurul Crismin

Daughter of
Mr. Saimin
& Mrs. Kristina Yuliani


Raditya Pradana

Son of
Mr. Pramono Sulistiyo
& Mrs. Diah Lukitasari
& Almh. Mrs. Evi Kurniati

Wedding Vow

(Family and selected guest only)

8.30 AM – finish

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis

Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Wedding Reception

11.30 AM – finish

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis

Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Attendance Confirmation

We are happy to have you in our wedding, however due to the limited capacity, we appreciate it if you can confirm your attendance.

RSVP Hanna & Radit

Wedding Gift

Kindly grace our marriage with your blessing.
We’ll be delighted and forever grateful to receive your love

Happy Moments

Write your best wishes 


  1. Selamat mba hanna dan mas raditya,
    Semoga Allah memberikan keberkahan bagi kalian berdua, dan Semoga Allah, mempersatukan kalian dalam kebaikan,
    Dalam rangkaian keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah.

  2. Happy to see you two together 🙂 May your marriage be blessed by Allah SWT, wish you a lifetime happiness and success in this life and the hereafter. Ameen.

  3. Congratulations Hanna and Radit. My best friends finally made it to this beautiful wedding. God bless your marriage guys

  4. Selamat berbahagia Hanna & Radit

    Semoga samawa, langgeng dan harmonis. Amin

  5. Dear Nacho dan Hanna,

    Naik puncak Jaya Wijaya
    Sampe atas diriin kemah
    Semoga keluarga lu bahagia
    Sakinah, mawwadah, warrohmah


  6. Congrats Radit & Hanna! Semoga samawa dan langgeng, aamiin

  7. Congrats Adittt dan Hannaa.. Samawa dan Langgeng sampai maut memisahkan yaa

  8. Semoga diberi kelancaran acaranya dan jadikan kel yg Samawa buat Mba Hanna dan Mas Radit

  9. Congrats de. Hana & de radit semoga samawa ya….

  10. Teruntuk Ananda Hanna & Radit “Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga menjadi pasangan yang sakinah mawaddah warahmah dan lekas diberikan momongan yang sholeh sholehah” Aamiin.

  11. Selamat mb hanna & ms Radit.semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah mawadah warohmah😘👍🙏

  12. Selamat Mba Hanna & Mas Radit…

  13. Happy Wedding mb Hana & mas Radit, , Sakinnah Mawadah Warohmah. Aamiin ..

  14. Congrats yaa Dek Hana & Radit.. Life happily ever after.. Sakinnah Mawaddah Warohmah.. Aamiin..

  15. Smg Mba Hanna dan Mas Radit mnjd keluarga yg SAMAWA dan cpt mempunyai momongan. Aamiin..

  16. Asli terharuu… Turut berbahagia buat mbak Hanna dan mas Radit… Selamat memgarungi bahtera rumah tangga 🤗🥳

  17. Congratsssss Great Couple,
    selamatttt bisa buattt KK sendiri 😀
    semoga langgeng, bahagia, sehat selalu, cepet punya Radit/Hanna Jr 😀 ✌

  18. Mbak Hanna, seneng banget denger kabar bahagianya 😍😍😍😍😍semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah warahmah (bahagia dunia akhirat)

  19. Love is in the air, see u soon when u say i do! NACHO & HANNA!!!!!!

  20. Power coupleee!! Wishing all greatness & warmth in life for Ka Radit & Ka Hanna ♡♡ so happy for you both!

  21. Lovely couple we got here !!! May love and laughs guide you until happily ever after come 😘 luv yall so muxhhhh

  22. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Selamat Nacho dan Hana! Semoga lancar yaa semuanya sampai hari H

  24. My brotha fistbump

  25. Remember Radit,
    Happy Wife, Happy Life!!
    You scored a great one with Hanna here.

    Hanna, I’m so sorry you’ll be now stuck with Radit foreverrrrr. Hahahaha

    Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness!!

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Hanna & Radit

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