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The Wedding Celebration of

Heinrich & Irene

Scroll Kebawah

The Wedding of
Heinrich & Irene

Our Wedding

Heinrich & Irene

December 12ⁿᵈ, 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate”

Matthew 19 : 6

We Found Love

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One Love

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Heinrich Wiradinata S.Kom

First son of
Mr. Budianto Wiradinata

& Mrs. Idawati Inggita (✟)

Theresia Irene Susilowati Hudyono S.T.P.

Second daughter of
Mr. Petrus Adinawanto Hudyono

& Mrs. Betty Kalangi

Holy Matrimony

Tuesday, December 12ⁿᵈ 2023

At 11.00 AM

Salib Suci Church

Jl. Raya Wisma Tropodo Waru,

Wedding Reception

Tuesday, December 12ⁿᵈ 2023

At 06.00 PM

XO Palace

Jl. Raya Kupang Indah No. 15
Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya

Attendance Confirmation

We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Heinrich & Irene

Happy Moments

Write your best wish


  1. Happy Wedding Irene dan Heinrich 🥳🥳🥳

  2. Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk pak henrick dan Irene semoga bahagia dalam lindungan Tuhan , langgeng selamanya

  3. Happy wedding of Heinrich & Irene

  4. Happy Wedding Irene sayang dan Heindrich..
    My prayer is alway with youu~
    Hope your marriage will be guided by God and always bless others.😘

  5. happy wedding irene and heindrich
    Wishing you lots of love and happiness, a long and happy marriage
    Best wishes for a fun-filled future together
    may God bless you abudantly with His love, His grace and His peace, Amen 🙏🏻🎉🥰

  6. Happy Wedding

  7. Happy marriage, may your marriage always be full of blessings and love.

  8. Selamat pak Hen, semoga bahagia dan sehat selalu

  9. Selamatt Pak Hen semoga menjadi bahagia selalu

  10. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Iin dan Calon suami. Langgeng selalu sampai akhir hayat ya.

    Tuhan berkati kalian berdua ✨✨

  11. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Iin dan Calon suami. Langgeng selalu sampai akhir hayat ya.

    Tuhan berkati kalian berdua ✨✨

  12. Happy wedding Irene dan Heinrich. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kalian dalam menjalani hidup baru berkeluarga. Gbu always

  13. Happy wedding Irene dan Heinrich. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kalian dalam menjalani hidup baru berkeluarga. Gbu always

  14. Happy Wedding Hein
    Wosh u All The Best…
    God Bless…

  15. Happy wedding Heinrich dan Irene. semoga bahagia selalu

  16. Congratulations 🎉

  17. “Selamat menjalankan kehidupan yang baru dan selalu tenang dan berbahagia dalam bahtera rumah tangga.
    Tuhan memberkati kalian. 🙏

  18. Happy wedding Bro, Cheers to the happy couple. Congratulations!

  19. selamat ya…sampai maut memisahkan kalian 🙏🙏

  20. Congrats Ibuk Irene dan suami. Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Semoga selalu diberikan kebahagiaan, wish you all the best pokoknya. Lancar terus sampai hari H 🙏

  21. Ceceeee selamatttt, akhirnya mau jadi istri orang yaa ce💕

  22. GK bahaya ta ninu2 ninu2 sopo TLP Jo di agkat

  23. Selamat iin!! Semoga bahagiaa selaluuu 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

  24. GBU

  25. Awww cee g kerasa puol 🥹 dulu ketemu cece waktu kerja sekarang udah mau jadi istri yang baik 💕 gudluck yaa cee 🫶 wish you all the best alwaysss. Semoga lancar terus sampek hari H 🥰. Semoga pernikahan dan rumah tangganya dituntun Tuhan selalu dan bisa langgeng sampek kakek nenek 🙏 Amiin

  26. Happy wedding zheyenk
    Happily ever after yakk sampai maut memisahkan
    Gbu you both ❤️‍🔥

  27. congratulations ce irene & ko heinrich! best wishes for a fun-filled future together✨

  28. Congratulation Ce Irene & Ko Heinrich… Happy Wedding…. Happy always

  29. Congratulation Irene dan Ayang

  30. Happy Wedding, Ce Irene & Ko Heinrich.. Congratulation… Be happy always,

  31. Di laut banyak ikan bertemu

    Lautnya berwarna biru

    Dipandang-pandang tiada jenu

    Alangkah serasi pengantin baru.

  32. GBU

  33. Selamat menempuh hidup baru,semoga apa yg di harapkan tercapai,dan semoga cepat di beri sang penerus (anak)…haleluya

  34. Selamat menempuh hidup baru…..Semoga selalu bahagia ,langgeng dan cepat punya momongan amin……

  35. Enjoy your new life

  36. Enjoy your new life

  37. Happy wedding! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness

  38. Sakinah mawadah warohma

  39. Sakinah mawadah warohma

  40. Akhirnya bisa melepas masa bujang Pak. Selamat! Semoga lancar semuanya

  41. Hi, congratulation. May the vows you took today last an eternity, and the love in your eyes never fade. May you forever be as happy as you are today.May this sacred marriage of you may last forever. Have a happy married life, my friend.

  42. Congratulations mr Hendrich bahagia selalu …

  43. congratulations innn!! loongg time no see youu… sayangnya ga bisa dateng karena jatah cuti uda kepake bwt akhir desember 🙁

    wish uou a happy marriage life yaa!! God Bless You❤️❤️

  44. Congratulations to Heinrich and Irene on your wedding! May your union be filled with love, laughter, and a lifetime of shared happiness. Wishing you both a beautiful journey ahead!”

  45. Congratss Mr. & Mrs Wiradinata, wishing you a future filled with happiness!

  46. Concratulation Heinrich & irene wedding!! Gbu

  47. Happy Wedding for both of you, wish your journey full of joy and bless ! God bless you !!!

  48. Happy Wedding Heinrich & Irene, wish you a happily ever after marriage and happiness

  49. Happy wedding Heinrich & Irene

  50. Congratulations yaaa, Irene & Calonnnn! God bless you both!💕

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Heinrich & Irene

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