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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Marcus & Indah

Our Wedding

Marcus & Indah

June 17ᵗʰ, 2023

“To lead a better life, I need my love to be here.”

(The Beatles)

“Do or do not there’s no try. As I do for you without trying.”


Marcus Daniel Wicaksono

First Son of
Mr. FX Wibowo
& Mrs. Rosinta Hutagalung



Indah Lestari

Second Daughter of
Mr. Anwar
& Mrs. Lilis

Wedding Vow

Saturday, June 17ᵗʰ 2023

07.30 – 09.00 WIB

Unfortunately the wedding vow is limited only to our families. However please do share in our happiness through the livestream below

Wedding Reception

Saturday, June 17ᵗʰ 2023

11.00 – 13.00 WIB

Arkadia Green Park

Jl. TB Simatupang No.88, RT.1/RW.1,
Kebagusan, Ps. Minggu,
Kota Jakarta Selatan,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12520

We hope you can wear your best suit and ties, formal western attires are preferred.

“All you need is love. Love is all you need.”


We would like to share this special moment with you. Please confirm your attendance below.

RSVP Marcus & Indah

Virtual Wedding

Although it is regretful that you can’t join us in person, we would like you to be a part of our special day virtually

Wedding Gift

Your presence and prayer will be the greatest wedding gift we could ask for. No other gifts are needed nor expected. However, if giving a sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us 


  1. Dearest Indah and Marcus. Congratulations to your Wedding from germany. I wish you two all the Best for your future together, much happiness, Joy and mutual Respect for each other.

  2. Dearest Marcus & Indah,
    Congratulations, semoga berbahagia, menjadi keluarga sakinah mawadah warahmah. Langgeng hingga kakek nenek. Aamiin yra

  3. Congrats on your wedding, Marcus & Indah! Semoga bahagia selalu, baik dalam keadaan lapang maupun sempit bersama-sama

  4. Congrats to Marcus and Indah! Be a happy family for you both and wishing you lots of love and happiness. Congrat to Marcus’ Mom as well.

  5. Selamat Marcus dan Indah, semoga semuanya lancar ya. Hope this is a beginning of something wonderful for you two.

  6. Selamat menempuh hidup baru… Tuhan memberkati.

  7. Congrats on your wedding day. Selamat menjalankan ibadah terpanjang. See you tomorrow, old friend!

  8. Congrats Marcus and Indah! so happy for you both and wishing you lots of love and happiness

  9. Smoga samara sampai menua bersama…

  10. Selamat untuk Marcus dan Indah, may you live happily ever after

  11. Selamat Indah. Bahagia selalu

  12. Congrats Ncus dan Indah! Semoga sehat dan bahagia terus pernikahannya! 🥳

  13. Semoga Markus & Indah menjadi pasangan yg sakinah mawadah warahmah aamiin 🤲

  14. Hoping you two have a beautiful life and an endless love story. Congrats on your wedding day Ndaaahh!😍

  15. Indaaaah so happy for u. May Allah bless both of you n ur family 🥰🥰🥰

  16. Turut berbahagia dan mendoakan semoga menjadi pasangan yang harmonis dan rukun selamanya .. Aamiin 🙏

  17. Turut berbahagia atas pernikahan Marcus & Indah. Allah senantiasa melindungi. Aamiin

  18. congrats indah and husband. wish happiness fulfilled ur new chapter as family 🥰

  19. Sooo happy for you Indah & Marcus💖 Semoga lancar sampai hari H & berbahagia selalu selamanya yaaa…🤲🏻✨

  20. Congratulations love birds!! Semoga lancar dan selalu bahagia yaaa 🥰

  21. Congratulations to Marcus & Indah and also to the proud parents. Lots of love today and beyond, God bless you.

  22. congratulations! semoga lancar 🩷

  23. Selamat Marcus & Indah, Juga untuk Parent. Semoga lancar acaranya , Menjadi keluarga yang bahagia dan lancar rejeki 🤲

  24. Selamat ya buat Marcus dan Indah, semoga menjadi keluarga dan rumah tangga yg bahagia serta penuh berkat dari Tuhan

  25. Congratulations to both of you… Wishing you two a very happy and blessed married life

  26. Barakallah selamat atas pernikahannya indah dan marcus. Semoga Allah berkahi kehidupan rumah tangga kalian. Bahagia dan saling mencintai selalu. Sakinah mawadah warahmah. Semoga senantiasa Allah kumpulkan indah dan marcus dalam kebaikan 🥰🥰🥰

  27. Congratulations Kak Indah dan Kak Marcus! Lancar lancar hingga hari H, bahagia selalu dan all the best buat Kak Indah dan Kak Marcus😄😄

  28. Congratulations ya Marcus & Indah, semoga menjadi keluarga yang Samawa . Semoga lancar & sukses sampai hari H nya .
    Kami turut berbahagia
    Mastuti & Keluarga

  29. Congratulations Marcus, Indah and the proud parents!! Semoga rangkaian acara berjalan lancar

  30. congratstulations yaaaa…
    turut berbahagia….
    semoga sakinah marwadah wa rohmah,,,,

  31. Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Marcus dan Indah, semoga berbahagia dan sukses selalu.

  32. Seneng banget liatnyaa. Semoga lancaar dan selalu bahagiaaa

  33. Lancar lancaaar

  34. Hope this will be the beginning of many wonderful and amazing things for both you! Love you guys to the moon and back ❤️

  35. selamat indaaaaahh..seneng bgt dapat undangannya.. lancar2 ya sampai hari H 🤗❤️

  36. wah indah congrats yaaa… so happy for you… lancar2 yaaa sampai hari H 🤗❤️

  37. Congratulations Marcus and Indah, so happy for you both! Lancar semua ya sampai hari H 💜

  38. Super happy for you guys!!! Semoga banyak bahagia ❤️❤️

  39. Selamat Indah & Marcus ^^ semoga dilancarkan semuanya!! So happy for both of you 😊

  40. Selamat atas pernikahannya Marcus dan Indah!

    Semoga dilancarkan dan menjadi keluarga sakinnah, mawaddah, warahmah.

  41. Selamat atas pernikahan Bapak Marcus dan Ibu Indah,

    Semoga beliau-beliau ini diberikan keberkahan dan kebahagiaan dalam menjalani multiplayer mode mendatang,,,

  42. Soo happy! Congrats dan moga lancar semuanya!!

  43. Tetap sehat yooo buat kalian biar lancar sampai hari H. Langgeng sampe tuo amieen

  44. Selamat indah dan marcus! Turut berbahagia untuk kalian berdua

  45. Congrats yaaaaa ncus indaaahh. Lancar sampai hari H yaa. 💗💗💗

  46. All the best Indah dan Marcus 👩‍❤️‍👨
    See you!

  47. Congrats kak Indah & Kak Marcus, lancar sampai hari H ya 🫶🥰

  48. Congrats Indah and Marcus! Barakallah

  49. Lancar luncur indah marcus 🥳🥳🥳🥳

  50. Lancar lancar sampai hari H guys! So happy and excited for you two!

  51. Soooo happy for you guysss! Semoga lancar sampai hari H yaaa

  52. Semoga lancar sampai hari H!

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Marcus & Indah

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