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Dear Beloved

Request the pleasure of your company to celebrate of
our once moment in a lifetime

“So then, they’re no longer two but one flesh therefore what God joined together. Let no men separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

Love Story

First comes Church, then comes marriage

Once upon a time, in a small town filled with charm and nostalgia, Mascot, two souls found each other in the most unexpected of ways. They met in a connect group, a small gathering of individuals brought together by their faith and shared values.

As the days passed, one particular member of the group caught the eye of the other. She shared about her life with such grace and honesty that it captivated his heart. He found himself drawn to her infectious smile and her unwavering commitment to her beliefs.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. As they spent more time together, he realized that he was falling for her. He admired her strong faith, her kind heart, and her unwavering determination of Jesus Christ.

He couldn’t help but feel grateful for Christ, for bringing them together and giving him the opportunity to get to know her better. As they grew closer, they shared their hopes and dreams for the future, and it became clear to him that she was the missing piece to his puzzle.

Finally, on a beautiful autumn day, on her birthday, he mustered up the courage to tell her how he felt. With a bouquet of vintage roses in hand, he showed up at her doorstep and poured his heart out to her.

To his delight, she felt the same way, and they shared a sweet and tender moment that they would remember forever. They knew that they were meant to be together, and that their love would only continue to grow stronger with time.

From that day forward, they embarked on a journey together, one filled with love, laughter, and a deep appreciation for each other. And they knew that the connect group would always hold a special place in their hearts, for it was where their love story began.

With Joy & Love

We invite you to celebrate our son
& daughter wedding day.

The Second Son of
Mr. Johannis Vityn
& Mrs. Fransiska Sunartio

The Only Daughter of
Mr. Djohan Bok
& Mrs. Soemarni Oesman

As we exchange vows and embark on a lifelong journey together.
Your presence is an honor we cherish.

Wedding Ceremony

Saturday, 7 October 2023

10.00 AM – 11.30 AM (AEST)

Wedding Reception

Saturday, 7 October 2023

12.00 PM – 03.00 PM (AEST)

Athol Hall

2 Athol Wharf Rd, Mosman
NSW, 2088

Counting Down to The Big Day

Dressed in


We kindly request your response by:

The ceremony will be a cherished occasion filled with laughter, tears of joy, and the warmth of dear friends and family

As we gather to celebrate this momentous occasion, let us reminisce about the beauty of days gone by while embracing the promise of a shared future.
We are grateful for the love and support that surrounds us,
and we cannot wait to share this special day with you.


Share the Day on Instagram
and Tag Us Both at
@melvinvityn @melissadevinaa

We understand that some of you might want to send us a gift. So please tap the following button for the futher information.

Happy Moments

Leave your message here 


  1. Happy wedding dear bestie since junior high schooll!! So happy for youu mel! All the best for you and your husband!!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Happy Wedding you both ! So happy for you mell!😍
    God bless you both always till old & greyy❤️

  3. Congratulations to you both! God’s blessings to you for a wonderful marriage and happy family life.

  4. Congrats Melissa and Melvin .. Happy wedding 🤍 🤍
    Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing day…
    God bless both of you ✨🥰

  5. congats melvin and melissa!!! selamat menempuh hidup baru bersama ❤️❤️❤️ God bless you!!

  6. Congrats brooohh😘

  7. Congrats both of you! Tuhan memberkati selalu ❤️❤️

  8. Selamat menempuh hidup baru buat Melvin dan Melissa. Tuhan berkati senantiasa pernikahannya. GBU. -iKong dan iHu-

  9. Congrats Vityn and Melissa. So happy for you 😊 May God shower your marriage with blessings and lots of love ❤️

  10. Congrats for both of you! May God bless your marriage life 🌸

  11. Selamat ya bro Melvin dan calon istri, akirnya nikah

    Semoga langgeng , Tuhan berkati mafrennn

  12. Congratulations to you both 🤍!
    May God bring lots of new blessings and love to your marriage. Enjoy this new journey💫! Cannot wait to celebrate with you

  13. Congrats bouth of you🤍
    Semoga Tuhan selalu memberkati kalin ber 2 dan Tuhan selalu menyertai apa yg kalian Kerjakan ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  14. Big congrats to this beautiful couple. We wish you a wonderful and blessed marriage. May God bless your new journey together ❤️

    – Yosua & Felita –

  15. Congrats ya
    So Happy for both of you guys.
    Wishing you both a lot of blessings and happiness on your special day. Many happy years ahead for both of you.

  16. Congratulations! Wishing you both all the best for the future! 🤍

  17. Congratulations both of you 🤍
    God bless your married

  18. Sekarang Om kalo makan udah ada yg nemenin, udah gk sendiri lagi kaya duluuu 🤣🤣 Anyway, so happy for you both! Can’t wait to see you soon!

  19. Congratulations love 💗 I’m so happy that you have found your forever! Nelson and I will be giving our blessings from Canada! Hope to see you both in the future

  20. Congratulations for you both😍😇
    Semoga Tuhan lancarkan sampai hari H yaaa!
    So happy for you guys and happy wedding❤️

  21. so happy for both of you! thanks for the news melvin ga PHPin anak orang! wkwkwkw Just kidding ☺️😜 happily ever after gaiss💓🔥

  22. Congratulations for both of you.

    Really glad to see u become one, may joy, peace and the love of God always be with your new family 🥳

    Happy wedding.

  23. Congratulations for you both🥹
    Hope u guys have a wonderfull marriage and this beautiful journey with God in ur life🤍 so happy for u guys and Happy wedding🤍

  24. Makes me so happy to see that you have found someone to spend your whole life with, Mel. Dear groom, please take care of my dear friend and filled her days with joy and love always.

    Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together. Happy wedding lovebirds🤍

  25. A new journey and adventure awaits, praying the best for both of you. May this new journey be filled with His grace, favour and love. His presence shall be upon the both of you and your families🤍 Congratulations Mel & Ko Melvin, truly very happy for both of you!!

  26. Congratulations for both of you.

    A great life ahead! God bless!

  27. Langit membentang warnanya biru
    Datang hujan menimpa batu
    Selemat menempuh hidup baru
    Moga bahagia sepanjang waktu💒

  28. Happy wedding lovebirds. ❤️

    We are so happy for both of you.

  29. Congrats Mel! So happy for you.

    Can’t wait to be part of your weeding

    See you soon Mel 🥰

  30. Burung merpati terlihat indah
    Terbang tinggi di samudrah
    Betapa senang dapat istri sholehah
    Permudah suami dalam ibadah

    Ps: kiong hiiiiiii pengantin baruuu 😉

  31. Congratulations, both of you!! 😍
    Tuhan yang lancarin semua persiapan kalian sampai di hari pernikahan kalian berdua nanti ya!
    Tuhan yang memberi sukacita, damai sejahtera, dan segala yang baik in your marriage! God bless, pokoknya I’m wishing all the best for both of you!

    Melissa! Jangan galak2 dong sama melvin!

  32. God bless you both, semangat teruss semakin dekat ke hari H . Tuhan lancarkan terus yaaa utk persiapan dan hari2 kedepan smpai slama-lamanya. ❤❤

  33. om udah nikahh 😭😭😭😭😭 congratsssssss 😍😍

  34. Yang dari duluu sibuk bilang gak ada pacarr dan trakhir uda dapet mala duluan nikahh🥹
    Congratulations to the wonderful two of you! Wishing you a long and happy marriage. 🥰❤️

  35. The sweetest and most beautiful couple. God bless the both of you. Can’t wait to celebrate this love. ❤️

  36. Hope you have a lovely wedding but more important a loving a fulfilling marriage! May your marriage glorify God. <3

  37. Finally two united to one 😍
    Jesus bless your marriage sweet couple 🫶🏻🫶🏻

  38. Finally two united to one 😍
    Jesus bless your marriage sweet couple 🫶🏻🫶🏻

  39. Presiden Rusia namanya Putin
    Punya sahabat namanya Melissa & Melvin
    Selamat kepada pasangan pengantin
    Semoga cepat diberikan Pangeran Vityn🎉🎉


  40. Siang Siang Langit Biru
    Dari Indonesia Sampai Australia
    Wahai Pengantin Baru
    Selamat Berbahagia

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