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The Wedding Celebration of

Regina & Thomas

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The Wedding of Regina & Thomas

Our Wedding

Regina & Thomas

October 7ᵗʰ, 2023

“This is My Commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you”

– John 15:12

“kita abadi: memungut detik demi detik, merangkainya seperti bunga”

– Sapardi Djoko Damono,
‘Yang Fana adalah Waktu’

“For all the good and the bad that was and will be.. my world and yours will continue to spin, with us as the axis.”


Maria Regina Pinkan Larasati

Daughter of
Mr. Budi Prasetya TH A
& Mrs. Veronica M Y Ning



Richard Thomas Ongkowidjojo

Son of
Mr. Michael Richtianto
& Mrs. Dedeh Mahmudah

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, October 7ᵗʰ 2023

11.00 AM – 1.00 PM (WIB) 

Wedding Reception

Saturday, October 7ᵗʰ 2023

6.30 – 8.30 PM (WIB)

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”

Attendance Confirmation

We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Regina & Thomas

Wedding Gift

We truly appreciate your kind gestures and your thoughtfulness on our very special day. Please kindly consult to the Newlyweds to ensure that your kind gesture will be with us forever


Share the Day on Instagram
and Tag Us Both at
@rgnlrst @richardthomaas

Happy Moments

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  1. Happy wedding to Regina & Thomas, semoga menjadi keluarga yang selalu bahagia dan diberkati Tuhan. Tuhan berkati selalu🤍🤍🤍

    I am so happy for you two!!

  2. Proficiat Kak Raras dan Kak Thomas …bahagia selamanya. Semoga acaranya besok lancar ya…

  3. Cie yaoloh nikaaaaah!! Hepi hepi selalu kalian beduaaaa luv bgt. Selamat menjalankan keabsurdan berdua seumur hidupppp ❤️

  4. Doa kami semoga mas Thomas dan Mba Regina selalu dalam pendampingan Tuhan Yesus, dijauhkan dari masalah yg memberatkan dan didekatkan dgn rahmat yang membahagiakan. salam, pang n kel

  5. Congrats Thomas & Regina, semoga dilancarkan sampai hari H. Bahagia selalu untuk kalian 🎉🎉🎉

  6. Congraaatss Gina dan Thomas! Semoga pernikahannya selalu diberkati, Lancar-lancar sampai dengan hari H yaaa 🤗🫶🏻

  7. Good luck kalian!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doaku beserta kaliannnn!!!!! Semoga semua dimudahkan dan dikuatkan satu sama lain. Amin!!!!

  8. Congraatttssss you two ! selalu diberkati pernikahannya, dimudahkan setiap proses penyesuaiannya dan bahagia selalu !

  9. Heartfelt Congratulations for akak” akuuu!! Wishing you a lifetime of true love and happiness! couldn’t be more grateful to have a chance to meet and know them in my life! [writing these with happy tears🥹💖🤍]

  10. Congrats kak mareg n mas thoomas, Wishing you lots of love and happiness!!!!!🫶🏻✨✨✨

  11. Congratulatioonnnnnnnn
    Mau you both have wonderful and adventurous life ahead🫶🫶🫶

  12. Finally my sistur✨ congratulations Thomas n Regina~

  13. Congrats Thomas & Regina ✨️
    Happily ever after 🤍🤍🤍

  14. aaaaa selamat yaa ginaaa si bu ceo kita semua wkwk happily ever after pokoknya✨🥰🫶🏻

    Semoga bahagia dan terus terberkati dalam menjalani hidup barunya kalian ber 2!

  16. AAAA finally!! Akhirnya Regina berlabuh!! Congrats Regina & Thomas!! Bahagia sampai maut memisahkan! Jesus Bless you both!!

  17. congratulation to both of you✨ semoga semuanya dilancarkan dan di mudahkan gin❤️ Best wishesssssssss💫

  18. Congrats mareg ini yg gw tunggu :p

  19. Selamat kakak Laras dan Thomas, bahagia selamanya ❤️

  20. CONGRATZZ THOMASS!! Finally, happy for you two. Semoga langgeng sampai selamanya. Wishing you both all the best!! Happy Wedding Thomas & Regina 🥳🥳

  21. Finally 🙏 , lancar terus untuk apapun jalan yg kalian tempuh kedepannya, langgeng slalu dan kesehatan yg abadi. Lots of blessings and wishes for both of you. Once again, congrats Thomas & Regina 🙏❤️

  22. Congrats Thomas and regina! Best wishes for your future together 😍

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Regina & Thomas

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