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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Resti & Ben

Our Wedding

Resti & Ben

May 27ᵗʰ, 2023
15.30 PM WIB

“And of His Signs is that He has created mates for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect.”

(QS. Ar- Rum 21)

We Found Love

“Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the world.”

Orhan Pamuk

“Yoda one for me.”

Sitaresti Astarini

2ⁿᵈ Daughter of
Mr. Samsu Iman Santoso
& Mrs. Retno Susanti

Benjamin Uhlig

3ʳᵈ Son of
Mr. Michael Uhlig
& Mrs. Sabine Ingrid Uhlig

Akad Akad

Saturday, May 27ᵗʰ 2023

15.30 – 17.00 PM (WIB)

Richie Garden Resto & Villa

Gunung Batu Street, Bojong Koneng,
Babakan Madang, Bogor,
West Java 16810

Wedding Reception

Saturday, May 27ᵗʰ 2023

19.00 – 21.00 PM (WIB)

Richie Garden Resto & Villa

Gunung Batu Street, Bojong Koneng,
Babakan Madang, Bogor,
West Java 16810

Live Streaming

To join our virtual wedding via youtube, kindly click the link below:


We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Resti & Benjamin

Wedding Gift

Your presence and prayer will be the greatest wedding gift we could ask for. No other gifts are needed nor expected. However, if giving a sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us


  1. Dear Resti & Ben,

    first of all, congratulations to you and it’s both luck and fate that you find each other in this big big world. In the past you experienced a lot together, in the future much more is waiting for you. The best is yet to come! We wish you from deep heart all the best and may all your wishes come true sincerely! Just in case, if there would be a tough furcation in front of you, please go through the way hand in hand firmly, never give up, as there are always more solutions than problems. After long long decades, all the memories will become your treasure and you deserve it. Looking forward to meeting you! Cheers, Christian and Fangjie with Noah

  2. Dear Resti and Ben,
    Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and fulfilment. Hope you have an amazing wedding day and thank you for sharing it with us!

    Best wishest,
    Anny (@ TikTok!)

  3. Congratulations Kak Resti & Ben! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness,GBU.

  4. Congrats Resti & Ben💖
    Wishing u a lasting unconditional love and happiness!! Happy for both of you 🫶🏻

  5. Congratulations on your wedding Resti & Ben !
    May your marriage be filled with endless love, laughter, and cherished moments!

    Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness ❤

  6. Hey Resti and Ben,

    Congratulations on entering the most exciting phase of your lives together. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter!


  7. Hey Ben and Resti,
    you are only minutes away now from the most exciting new journey in your lifes.
    We wish you all the best, love, harmony, understanding and so much more.
    Looking forward seeing you in a bit.

    The Bali Crew!

  8. Selamat berbahagia
    kepada Resti & Ben
    Insya Allah menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah until Jannah. Aamiin ya robbal alamiin

  9. Dearest Resti & Ben,

    I’m so happy for you guys! I wish you two every blessing as you start on the road ahead with your married life. I hope you guys find joy and happiness in simple little things in life and always go through life hand in hand to overcome any hardships together. May the whole world give you good luck, joy, and warmth. Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations on tying the knot, Ben and Resti! Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and wedded bliss. May your marriage be as successful as your work ethic, and may every day be filled with happiness and unforgettable adventures. Cheers to your incredible journey together! 🎉🥂

  11. Congratulations for Ben and wife! Hoping the best as you carve your live together!

  12. Selamat yaa..Semoga menjadi Keluarga SaMaRa..Saqinah Mawaddah Warohmah🙏🙏

  13. Hi Ben and Resti, may this marriage fill your life with joy, happiness, and lots of love. Congratulations as you start a new journey.

  14. Congratulations Ben and Resti
    Wishing you both a happy and prosperous future and happiness on your Wedding Day and as you begin your new life and growing old together

  15. Barokallahu lakuma wabaroka A’laika wajama’a bainakuma fii khoir buat mba Resti &Ben,,
    Semoga menjadi keluarga Sakinah mawaddah warohmah sampai jannah, Aamiin🙏😍

  16. Liebe Resti,lieber Ben
    Zur Hochzeit die allerliebsten Wünsche von eurer Oma
    Meistert die Stürme des Lebens und haltet dabei immer zusammen
    Habt gemeinsame Ziele und Träume
    Hört nie auf euch zu lieben

    Ich wäre sehr gern dabei
    In Liebe Oma Margot

  17. Selamat berbahagia buat Resti dan Ben, semoga menjadi kel.yg Sakina Mawarda Warohma, Aamiin YRA.

  18. Congratulation Ben & Resti! Wish you guys a wonderful life ahead!

  19. Assalamu’alaikum warrohmatullohi wanarrokatuhu

    Selamat berbahagia
    Semoga mendapatkan Rahmat barokah Allah

    *Resti ♥️ Ben*

    Doa Kepada Pengantin

    بَارَكَ اللَّهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِيْ خَيْرٍ

    Baarokallaahu laka wa baaroka ‘alaika wa jama’a bainakumaa fii khoirin.

    Semoga Allah memberkahimu di waktu bahagia dan memberkahimu di waktu susah, dan semoga Allah menyatukan kalian berdua dalam kebaikan.

    HR. Abu Dawud no. 2130.

    Allahumma aamiiin

    🌺Oom Hari, te Yanti & Selinka

  20. Congratulation Ben & Resti. Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

  21. Dear Resti & Ben.
    Selamat atas pernikahan kalian berdua.
    Semoga berbahagia, hidup rukun sampai akhir hayat, dikaruniai putra putri yg sholeh sholeha & menjadi keluarga SaMaWa, aamiin.. aamiin.. Yaa Rabbal’Alamiin🤲

    (Mbah Tintje, Mbah Han & Tante Mutiara).

  22. Congratulations Ben and Resti, hope you have a wonderful future together!

  23. Congratulations Ben and Resti! Wishing you love each other lasting long life and full of happiness as one family❤️

  24. Congratulations Resti & Ben! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and blessings💜

  25. Selaaamatt yaaa Reus n Ben!

    The two of you can annoy each other for the rest of your lives!

    Congrats! ❤️

  26. Congratulations on your wedding Resti & Ben 🌹

    May your marriage be showered with loads of happiness, understanding and everlasting love sparks.

    Hugs and Kisses ❤️

  27. Anak ayam kebanggaan fisip akhirnya nikah 🥲 can’t wait to see you in a beautiful wedding dress 👰‍♀️

    Lancar2 sampe hari H yaa 😍

  28. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so happyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Selamat Resti dan Ben

  29. Congratulations Ben & Resti,

    Wishing you both a happy and prosperous future, and tons of happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.


  30. Congratulations, Resti and Ben! Happy growing old together and I wish you both of you a love that will last forever.

    With love,
    Haswar Hafid.

  31. Dear Ben & Ade Resti

    Bahagia denger kalian mau menikah, apalagi Ben sekarang sudah menjadi mualaf… alhamdulillah. Semoga Ben bisa menjadi Imam yang baik untuk Resti dan anak2 nya kelak aamin YRA. Semoga menjadu keluarga yang samawa selalu diberikan keberkahan oleh Allah SWT baik diwaktu bahagia dan susah, dimudahkan dalam menjalani
    kehidupan keluarga baru.

    Om Indra, Tante Aan & Kyla

  32. Dear Resti & Ben,

    Semoga menjadi keluarga Samawa, selalu bahagia dan rukun sampai kakek nenek.
    Doa kita selalu menyertai kalian berdua. Aamiin YRA

    Om Heri & Tante Eka

  33. We’re glad to receive your invitation and our heart are full of love ti you.
    Hope everything will be okay and success.
    Semiga menjadi keluarga yang Sakinah Mawaddah dan Warrohmah serta dikaruniai anak2 yg Sholeh dan sholehah, aamiin aamiin aamiin yaa Rabb yaa Mujibassailiin.
    Doa kami yg terbaik selalu untuk kalian berdua.
    With love always

  34. Liebe Sitaresti, lieber Benjamin Die Welt dreht sich und über 8Mrd Menschen rennen rum. Ihr habt euch gefunden, habt gefühlt im Herzen ❤ das da Liebe ist. Es ist wunderbar und richtig diese Liebe mit eurer Hochzeit jedem kundzutun. Alles erdenklich Gute was man wünschen kann wünsche ich Euch und noch viel mehr. Bis bald sagt

    Euer Papa Michael

  35. Der Zufall hat euch zusammengeführt
    Der Funke sprang gleich über
    Aus dem Funke wurde ein Feuer indes wurde nun nichts mehr dem Zufall überlassen
    Das Leben-euer Leben begann
    Gemeinsam, glücklich und aus dem Verliebtsein wurde Liebe
    Wann immer ich euch sehe-Glück und Zufriedenheit strahlen mich an
    Dieser Weg wird nun noch inniger
    Das Geben und das Nehmen , ohne zu besitzen und ohne zu fesseln sollen die Grundlagen neben eurer innigen Liebe sein
    Hört nie auf zusammen zu träumen,zu lachen und Zweisamkeit zu genießen
    Holt euch die Sterne vom Himmel und erfreut euch an kleinen Dingen
    Meine allerliebsten Wünsche für eure gemeinsame Zukunft
    Eure Mama Sabine

  36. Ein wunderschönes Paar
    Und wunderschöne Aufnahmen

    In Liebe
    Mama und Papa

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Resti & Ben

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