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The Wedding Celebration of

Riko & Vita

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The Wedding of Riko & Vita

Our Wedding

Riko & Vita

September 23ᵗʰ, 2023

“And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:14-15

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

Riko Arya Chandra

First son of
Mr. Ir. Mulia Chandra / Chang Man Liung
& Mrs. Honggariati / Lim Lie Hong

Vita Rosanti, S.S.T

Daughter of
Mr. Anton / Lim Yong Chiang
& Mrs. Heng Lie Kiang

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, September 23ᵗʰ 2023

10.00 WIB –  End

Gereja Katolik
Paroki Keluarga Kudus

Jl. Sultan Syahrir No. 1

Wedding Reception

Saturday, September 23ᵗʰ 2023

17.00 – 20.00 WIB

Hotel Star
“Venus Room”
Lt. 3

Jl. Gajah Mada No. 189,


We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Riko & Vita

“Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you’re offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone’s feelings.”

Wedding Gift

Your presence and prayer will be the greatest wedding gift we could ask for. No other gifts are needed nor expected. However, if giving a sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.

The Big Day

Write your best wishes


  1. Happy wedding ya kawan. Happy eve after🤗🎉

  2. Happy Wedding ya bro Riko & pasangan 🙏

  3. Happy wedding my niece Vita & Riko Be happy 4ever💞💞

  4. Happy wedding my niece Vita & Riko Be happy 4ever💞💞

  5. Rikooo congrats ya, happy wedding untuk riko dan pasangan. Wish you all the best. Semoga selalu dikaruniai kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan bersama dalam menjalani roda kehidupan

  6. Happy Wedding yah vita dan husban. Happily ever after. GBU 🥰😘

  7. Happy wedding vita & riko 💐
    Best wishes for a fun-filled future together 🥰🥰

  8. Happy Wedding Meiing & Paosan 💐 Happily Ever After ❤️

  9. Happy wedding ashan n vita 🥳🥳

  10. Selamat yah Rico and Vita 🥳🎉

  11. Congratulations, Riko and Vita!
    Wishing you a lifetime filled with love and happiness.
    Cheers to your happily ever after! 😇🙏

  12. Congrats ya koko cece, semoga langgeng smpai kakek nenek, segera punya keluarga kecil yg bahagia, maaf tidak bisa hadir karna jarak🙏🏻🎊

  13. Selamat menempuh hidup baru vita dan suami.

    Semoga berbahagia sejahtera sehat selalu ❤️

  14. Hi Vita. Live happily ever after yaa beb💕💕 congrats for both of you. Happy Wedding!😍

  15. Congrats Riko & Vita.
    May your life be as joyful and magical as the love and bond that you two share! Wishing you a happy and prosperous married life ahead!

  16. Happy Wedding for both of you!
    Conggrats!and live happily ever after

  17. Congrats Riko Vita..

    Nothing more to say, God bless your marriage with tons of happiness.

  18. Congrats Vita dan Suami, Selamat menempuh hidup yang baru 🥰

  19. Congrats ce Vita n ko Riko!! Semoga bahagia selalu, Tuhan berkati setiap langkah perjalanan hidup cce n kko! 🤗🤗

  20. Congrats ko Riko&ce Vita
    cheers for life love and your abundant happiness ahead 🤍✨

  21. Happy wedding Ce Vita and Rico, may God always blessed and lead your marriage 🎉

  22. Congrats, Wishing both of you a liferime of love and happiness

  23. Happy wedding cece…bahagia selalu langgeng sampe maut memisahkan, turut bahagia untuk kalian berdua🌸

  24. Dear Vita.. I am very happy with this happy news. It is with a heavy heart that I cannot attend your special day. We only offer our best prayers for you.. May it last until you are old. our love for you . Happy weddings Ce Vita & Rico

  25. Happy wedding Vita and Rico. Wishing you guys a happy life together and great journey ahead xxxx

  26. Finally, sampai juga dimoment bahagia ini. happy wedding yaa buat ce vita dan suami. semoga lancar sampai hari H 🫶🏻

  27. Selamat mnempuh hidup baru meing , lancar sampe hari ha😇

  28. Happy weeding for both of you

  29. Congrats yah buat kalian berdua, smoga langgeng selalu. Happy for both of you.

  30. Berdoa yang terbaik bagi kalian berdua.
    Inti dari pernikahan adalah suami sayang istri dan istri tunduk pada suami.
    Selamat berbahagia Riko dan Vita.

  31. Turut bahagia utk kalian berdua , langgeng sampau maut memisahkan

  32. Happy Wedding

    Tuhan MemBerkati keluarga baru kalian ❤

  33. Happy Wedding Ko Riko,
    Wishing you guys happily ever after ! 😉

  34. Akhirnya bahagia menjemput dikau san san
    Happy for you and long last ya, began the new story and married life for ashan dan vita
    Hebat adek kamek jd makcomblang neh, jgn lupa angpao dedek kamek ye shan,,,😄😄😄😁

  35. Congrats!!
    Happy Wedding Riko & Vita!

  36. Happy wedding Riko & Vita ! Semoga selalu berbahagia !

  37. Happy wedding riko dan vita, bahagia selalu yah 🥳😇

  38. Happy Wedding Riko dan pasangan, Langgeng sampai maut memisahkan. Tuhan berkati keluarga baru kalian 😇😇

  39. Happy wedding vita 😘

  40. Happy Wedding Riko & Vita! happily ever after 😁

  41. Happy wedding Riko n Vita 🥳

  42. selamat buat kalian berdua.. 🙏🏻😇

  43. 愿你们永远幸福美满,白头偕老,早生贵子❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰

  44. Happy Wedding Riko & Vita 🫶🏻

  45. Hanya yang terbaik yang terjadi seumur hidup pasangan berbahagia ini.

  46. Selamat menempuh hidup baruu! Semoga langgeng dan bahagia selalu 🎉
    Wishing both of you a liferime of love and happiness !

  47. Best wishes for the wonderful day. As you build your new lives together, may the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together
    Happy Wedding for Vita and Ryko🎉

  48. congratulation Vitaa and Riko!!! we re happy for you. Wish you always be a great family as u wish for

  49. Congratulations on your wedding. May God bless you both with happy married life

  50. Happy wedding ya dek. Langgeng terus ampe tua

  51. Happy Wedding Riko dan istri,,
    langgeng sampai tua ya,walaupun kamu udah tua ko,,bercanda,wkwk
    lancar sampai hari H ko,

  52. 恭喜你們步入愛的殿堂。

  53. Happy wedding cinta ku 😘😘😘😘
    Akhir nya sold out juga 😘

  54. Life is wonderful.
    Till you found your partner to share all the joy and sorrow, it become complete.

    Wish all the best for both of you.
    May God bless yours marriage till the end of time with all His blessing.

  55. Selamat menempuh hidup baru masbro..semoga langgeng sampai tua ya. Semoga segala persiapan sampai hari H lancar ya Riko🙏

  56. Wah, selamat menempuh hidup baru Bro. Semoga langgeng. Salam Raket. Wkwkwk

  57. Selamat ya pak riko😁
    Semoga pernikahannya langgeng sampai kakek nenek, dan semoga acara nya lancar tanpa ada kendala

  58. Akhirnyaa menuju sah 🥹🥹 congrats asan & pipit
    bahagia selalu, doa terbaik selalu utk kalian 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️

  59. Selamat yeee, tiba2 berkabar dah nikah yak .. 😁😁

  60. selamat ya bro Riko Arya Chandra & vita 🙏🏻
    selamat menempuh hidup baru.. 👍🏻😁

  61. Congratulations on finding your forever love!

  62. Congratz bambang tamvan akhirnya bentar lagi masuk sesi baru dalam berhubungan… 🥳

  63. Happy wedding Riko and Vita 💞 God bless your new family and wishing you a lifetime of love and happines

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Riko & Vita

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