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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Stefan & Jesslyn

Our Wedding

Stefan & Jesslyn

August 1ˢᵗ & 5ᵗʰ, 2023

¹⁶ And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

1 John 4:16

³ I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy.”

Philippians 1: 3-4

Love Story

The Spark of Love

Our story began as gym buddies, supporting each other through workouts and conversations. Despite the mask regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic, we connected on a deeper level without seeing each other’s full faces.

Our Independence Day

On Independence Day, a casual proposal to buy the McDonald’s Meal Package turned into a pivotal moment when we realized our feelings had grown beyond friendship, leading to a heartfelt dating proposal.

Overcoming Distance

Being 400km apart, we found solace in train stations and airports, cherishing the moments we could spend together despite the challenges of a long-distance relationship. The miles between us only served to strengthen our bond.

Finally, Jess Said "Yess!"

With hearts full of warmth and courage, Stefan proposed to Jess under a mesmerizing waterfall. Though the cold surroundings, the love between us blossomed, and Jess said “Yess!” to spend a lifetime together.

Stefan Jonathan Susanto

The Son of
Mr. Fx Edie Susanto (✟)
& Mrs. Tjan Lily C.


Jesslyn Trisco

The Daughter of
Mr. Djie Sion Tjie
& Mrs. Endirah R.

Holy Matrimony

Tuesday, August 1ˢᵗ 2023

10.30 AM – 12.30 PM

Gereja Katolik
Keluarga Kudus

Jl. Atmodirono No. 8, Semarang

Wedding Reception

Saturday, August 5ᵗʰ 2023

18.00 – 20.30 PM

North Ballroom
Gumaya Tower Hotel

Jl. Gajahmada No. 59-61, Semarang

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart.” 

Helen Keller


We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Stefan & Jesslyn

Wedding Gift

Your presence and prayer will be the greatest wedding gift we could ask for. No other gifts are needed nor expected. However, if giving a sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.


Share our happiness on Instagram
by tag us both
@triscodok & @stefanjs92

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us


  1. Congratulations on starting a new chapter of life for both of you. May this joyous moment mark the beginning of a lifelong adventure filled with love, laughter, and boundless happiness that grow stronger with each passing day!

  2. Jess, congratulations on your new journey! I’m honored to be part of your chapter. I’m so proud of you, witnessing you overcome those obstacles. May blessings and joy surround your new family ‘til the end of time. Aku mengasihimu, Ny. Susanto🤍

  3. Selamat menempuh hidup baru buat Stefan dan Jesslyn semoga bahagia dan Tuhan berkati selalu, Amin

  4. Congrats Stefan n Jesslyn, Selamat menempuh hidup baru ..semoga bahagia dan Tuhan berkati kalian selalu..Amin🙏

  5. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Stefan ❤ Jesslyn

  6. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Stefan ❤ Jesslyn

  7. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Stefan ❤ Jesslyn

  8. Congrats Stefan n Jesslyn. 🎉
    Semoga lancar persiapan dan acaranya ya…

  9. Congratsss Koko wingchun & Jesslyn! Lancar terus sampai hari H ya! I wish you both a happy marriage life 🤍 God bless you two 🤍

  10. Congrats stefan n jess!
    Finally you find your soulmate 😁🥳
    Lancar2 ya persiapannya,
    Tuhan berkati kalian.

  11. Selamat menempuh hidup baru buat Stefan & Jesslyn. Bahagia dan rukun2 selalu. Tuhan memberkati pernikahan kalian

  12. Congrast Ko Tepan and Ci Jesslyn. Wishing you a happy, blissful, abundant blessing from God marriage. Selamat menempuh hidup baru ya..

  13. Congratulations Stefan and Jesslyn! God has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
    Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart (Proverbs 3:3)
    Have a Blessed Wedding Celebration and Wishing You Both Blessing Abundance!!

  14. Huge congrats for you Jess! Setelah segala cerita akhirnya berlabuh jg hihi semoga lancar sampai hari H nya yaa dan bisa jd keluarga yg bahagiaaaa🥳🥳

  15. Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru, Semoga Selalu Langgeng Sampai Maut Yang Memisahkan Tuhan Yesus Memberkati Amin

  16. Just like Shania Twain’s said

    “Looks like we made it
    Look how far we’ve come, my baby
    We mighta took the long way
    We knew we’d get there someday”

    CONGRATSS JESS & KO MBUL, so happy for you both && see u at the after party *ups* <3 <3<3

  17. Jeje and Stefan, congratulations!!
    im reading this invitation with happy tears, my dear childhood friend, im so happy for u both!
    God bless your marriage 🫶🏻

  18. Congrats jeje & stefan!! We are so happy for you both! Tuhan berkati slalu pernikahan kalian yaa, semangat melangkah ke next level of life, slalu inget masa2 perjuangan kalian sampe dititik bisa menikah yaaa, krn semuanya worth it kannn.. pokoknya doa terbaik untuk kalian berdua yaaa🤍

  19. Congratssss stefan & Jess! finally yaaa … find your other half fan! Haha..
    lancar2 smpe hari H.. 🥳🥳 God bless your marriage

  20. Congrats broooo… Moga lancar semua dan jaya laut udara

  21. Congrats Stefan and Jesslyn. Wishing all things going smooth until D Day

  22. Congratzzz Stefan & Jesslyn

  23. congrats jesss & ko steffan!
    akhirnya yah jessss akhirnya <3
    semoga lancar sampe hari H and beyond. selamat menjadi warga Semarang Jes! selamat menjadi kaum medok wkwk

  24. Congrats Steffan & Jesslyn!
    Semoga lancar sampe hari H

  25. Congrats my brother Stefan and my sister Jessyln. Bahagia dan Tuhan memberkati selalu sampai kakek nenek ya. Ku Siang (papamu) melihat dari Surga dan pastinya bangga sama kalian 😊🫰

  26. Selamat menjalani hidup baru bersama untuk Trisco dan Koko.
    Akhirnya Gawat-Gawat pecah telor WKWK
    I hope you God will always bless your marriage with happiness 😘😘

  27. Dear ci Jejes & Ko Stefan
    Congrats for ur new journey! May God be with ur married life with happines and joyfully!
    Salam cintah anak anak bundah

  28. Dear Ka Jess & Ko Stefan
    Congrats for your new journey kaak and say goodbye to LDR!! Wishing your married life is full of happiness and love. Stick together forever and always yah! Can’t wait for the D-day seeing you as bride ka Jess!🤍

  29. Congratulations stefan and jesslyn! Happily ever after 🍾🎊🎉

  30. Congratss Jess and Steffan.

    Matius 19:6
    Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia.

    QS. Ar Rum ayat 21

    وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُمْ مَوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

    “Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir.”

  31. Congrats Steffan & Jesslyn!

  32. Congrats Koh Stefan & Jesslyn.
    Best wishes for both of you happy forever yuhuu

  33. Congrats Stefan & Jesslyn.
    Siap datang bareng duo kijang (+1 mystery guest)

  34. Lancar terus sampai hari H…wik uwik uwik ah ah ahhh …ambyar!!!!
    muach muach

  35. Ola Jess and Stefan ❤️ so beautiful pictures and heartfelt sentences written in the invitation. As you both embark the new fulfilling journey, pray that your marriage life will go sweeter as wine as time goes by ❤️🎁🍷 It’s really a happy ending, but in paradox, marriage life is a new beginning too 🥳 Merging values, habits, and understand each other more. May it gives you both a wonderful process to make each other better version of yourself 😍 Can wait to see you in white, Jess
    – Ci Mer-

  36. Congrats Steffan & Jesslyn!

  37. Siap ot ti wi dateng

  38. Oke gembrotan! Siap datang!
    Vini Vidi Wiwin

  39. Congratssss Ci jess dan Ko Stefan. Semoga lancar sampai hari H. Akhirnya petualangan cinta kalian akan menemukan babak baru anjay, semoga dapat selalu menguatkan hingga akhir. Wish u all the best, congrats one againnn🙌🔥

  40. Congratsss Ci alink & koko stefan!! Goodluck for the new journey and wishing you a life time full of happinesss🥂
    Goodluck membuat generasi ane ente😎

  41. Dear Ci Jess & Ko Stef
    Congrast ya for u both ! setelah menjalin hubungan LDR dalam jarak waktu yang nggak sebentar akhirnya hari ini tiba juga !!
    Wishing you all of the love and happiness! 🤍
    lancar2 sampai hari H 🤍

  42. so happy for both of you jess and ko stefan! congratulations on your wedding 💕 wishing you a lifetime full of happiness, blessings, and love 🫶🏼 even though I am a bit sad that one of my bestfriend will move away, I am 100% sure she’s going to be AMAZING there (as always). Sending love and hugs always – mon

  43. Congrats for your wedding dearest Jeje & Stefan! 🤵🏻‍♂️👰🏻‍♀️

    I ask that God’s peace embrace you both as you begin your new life together. May he guide you and help you through the good times and bad. May you find Him supporting you in all you do, as you listen to his voice helping to guide you. Keep growing closer to God and loving Him together.

    Will always keep your name in my prayer like I always do✨

  44. Jess & Ko Stefan
    Congrats! With all the LDR drama, you guys deserve this happiness. Semoga lancar sampe hari H yaa ❤

  45. Finally! Mami & Koko Mbul !
    May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a heap of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance. Happy Wedding! 😍🤏

  46. Ci alink and ko Stefan congratulations with all this things yg kalian udah lewatin! I know LDR was sucks but it’s totallly worth with every single tears! Langsung punya anak gas!

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Stefan & Jesslyn

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