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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Steven & Diana

Our Wedding

Steven & Diana

04 Februari 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

We Found Love

“The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.”

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”

dr. Steven Ciuandy, AIFO

Putra dari
Tn. Paulus / Tjoe Tong Hoat
& Ny. Helina / Foe Mie San


Putri dari
Tn. Ali Amin
& Ny. Christina

Pemberkatan Nikah

Rabu, 11 Januari 2023

10.30 WIB s/d Selesai

Paris Room
AdiMulia Hotel Medan

Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.8,
Petisah Tengah, Kec. Medan Petisah,
Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara

Resepsi Pernikahan

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2023

18.00 WIB s/d Selesai

Pavilion Ballroom
Regale Convention Centre

Jl. H. Adam Malik No.66-68, Silalas,
Kec. Medan Bar., Kota Medan,
Sumatera Utara

Konfirmasi Kehadiran

Kami tidak sabar menunggu hari pernikahan kami bersama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, mohon konfirmasi kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i. Terima kasih.

RSVP Steven & Diana

Amplop Digital

Bagi keluarga dan sahabat yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah, silakan mengirimkannya melalui tautan berikut:

Happy Moments

Tinggalkan pesan/doa untuk kami


  1. Happy wedding stc & diana!!🥹
    Happily ever after ges💐

  2. Happy Wedding brohhh Stc & Dianaaa Godbless 🤗

  3. Happy wedding Steven & Diana.
    Semoga bahagia selalu & langgeng terus sampe tua.

  4. Happy wedding Steven & Diana
    Semoga bahagia selalu..langgeng terus..

  5. Happiest Wedding ya dii sayangg! God bless your marriage life ❤️😘

  6. Happy wedding diii & hubss😍 happily ever after yaaa✨

  7. Happy weddinggg diii & husb!
    Happily ever after yah dii🫶🫶

  8. Happy Wedding

  9. Selamat menempuh hidup baru….semoga langgeng smpai tua….amin

  10. Semoga bahagia slalu ampe ke depannya 😘

  11. Happy wedding Diana & Steven 🥰
    Langgeng terus, happy terus ❤️

  12. Finaalllyyy ! Happy Wedding Nennn
    Semoga cepat menjadi Ibu kece badaiii gaoeelll. Wishing you well as you embark on this next chapter of life. GBU !! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  13. Selamat yaa kionghii

  14. Happy wedding sis, smoga bahagia selalu

  15. HAPPY WEDDINGG LOK, selamat menempuh perjalanan hidup yang baru after all the struggles before 😜

  16. Happy wedding diana & steven!! Semoga bahagia selalu ya dan berlimpah rejekinya 😉❤️

  17. Happy Wedding ❤️
    happily ever after✨✨

  18. Selamat menempuh hidup baru, bahagia selalu.

  19. Selamat menempuh hidup baru

  20. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Stiven dan Diana….bahagia dan langgeng selamanya…tetap andalkan Tuhan ya…Gbu

  21. Congratulations on your marriage stc & diana ! Happily ever and after ya 🥰❤️

  22. Congratulations on your wedding stc & diana! May the years ahead be filled with love and joy

  23. Selamat Berbahagia Penuh Cinta Dan Kasih. Sampai ke Anak Cucu.🙏💝🌹

  24. happy wedding diiiianaaaaa & husband, langgeng smpek kakek nenekk!!🥰🥰

  25. Selamatt !! Happy wedding best wishes untuk kalian berdua , langgeng terus sampe kakek nenek dan cepat dapet momongan wkwkw

  26. Happy Wedding Steven & Diana. Remember, wedding day is a start, not the destination. We hope Lord Jesus will anoint your marriage and His provision be everlasting for your new family.

  27. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happinies

  28. Happy wedding steven and diana ❤️

  29. Selamat menjadi binik stc yaa nens!❤️❤️❤️
    Best wishes always ya, lancar sampai hari-H yaaaa✨

  30. Happy weddingg diana & husband😍 wishing you guys happily ever and after😍 langgeng sampe selama lama nya❤️❤️

  31. Congratulations to a beautiful couple ❤️❤️❤️
    Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together ✨

  32. happy wedding ci diana and partner! happy dan langgeng terus sampe kakek nenek yaa!! ❤️❤️❤️✨✨

  33. happy wedding steven and diana , langgeng sampai kakek nenek ya , cepat kasi keponakan yang lucu !😛😛

  34. Happy wedding steven n diana, semoga langgeng sampai selama lamanya 🫶🏼

  35. Happy wedding Diana and Steven. Wishing you guys the best till old and grey!

  36. Selamat Atas Pernikahan Steven & Diana. Semoga Bahagia dan Langgeng sampai Kakek Nenek

  37. Congratulations on your marriage and best wishes always! ♥️

  38. Happy wedding diana and hubs! So sorry ga bs datang🥹 langgeng sampe kakek nenek yaaa!!❤️❤️

  39. happy wedding diana & STC🥰🥰
    kasi aku ponakan cptt

  40. happily ever after diana and steven 🤎
    wishing you two a very happy, beautiful, and blessed married life 🫶🏻🫶🏻 lancar” sampai hari-H ya

  41. Happy wedding STC & Diana❤️🥰
    Topcer sebanyak banyak nya💦💦💦

  42. Happy wedding my childhood bestieee !! 🫶🫶🫶 be happyyyy

  43. semoga berbahagia selalu

  44. Happy wedding&GBU🎉🎉

  45. Happy Wedding Diana & stc🥰🥳

    Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together. May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy, love & happiness.

  46. Happy wedding diana!! Lancar2 sampai hr H ya!🥹🥹❤️

  47. Lancar” ya sampai hari H
    Kionghii 🎉🎉

  48. Happy wedding Diana & Stc! Happy2 terus ya wak💖

  49. Happily ever after stc and diana❤️
    Till old and grey together yaa

  50. Happily ever after stc and diana❤️
    Wishing you two a very happy, beautiful, and blessed married life

  51. Finally…. wishing all the best for both of you, happiness and blessings from God. Happy Wedding Steven & Diana❤️

  52. Finallyyy🥰❤️. Happy weeding Diana and husband

  53. Yeyyy akhirnya😍♥️ Happy wedding for u cii n husband ✨

  54. Congratulations Diana & STC!😍😍
    So happy for you guys!
    Happily ever after <3

  55. It’s a great day pal.
    Happy Wedding Steven & Diana.
    Wishing you guys long last.

  56. Happy Wedding Steven & Diana
    Wishing you guys a lifetime love and happiness 🥰❤️

  57. Finally sekian drama 🤭
    Happy Wedding dayyyyy bestiee 😘
    till gray and old together yaa !! 🥂

  58. happy wedding!!! bahagia selaluuu! WISH YOU GUYS ALL THE BEST ❣️🥰

  59. Happy wedding diana & steven
    Semoga kalian bs jadi suami istri yang baik dan bahagia selalu.
    Dan menjadi orang tua yang baik,
    Stelah nikah jangan lupa lanjutkan karir lu jd pelawak ya siau po 🤣

  60. To My Dearest,

    My best wishes and happy thoughts are always with you. Apologies that I could not be there to celebrate with you on your happiest day. But congratulations and prayers are in order from the other side of the world.

    Much love,

    Howard xx

  61. Tolong jgn dudukan saya sama musuh” saya heheheheh

  62. Happy Wedding Dear Diana & Steven 🥰🥰🥰.
    Finally nikahh 🥹🥹🥹
    Semoga langgeng sampai akong amah 🥳🥳😇😇🥰🥰
    Please take care Diana yah Ciu 🤗🤗

  63. Happy wedding guyss❤️❤️❤️

  64. Happy Wedding
    My wish for you is
    Wish you all the best…

  65. semoga sakinah amen

  66. Happy wedding Steven and Diana!!!
    semoga dilancarkan segala urusan dan stay happy together
    Take care of Diana ya, Steven!
    For Steven, welcome to the familyyy


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Terima kasih

Steven & Diana

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