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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Sugianto & Femmy

Our Wedding

Sugianto & Femmy

June 18ᵗʰ, 2023

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.”


Son of
Mr. Irwantoh
& Mrs. Erlinawaty


Daughter of
Mr. Anwar Alim

& Mrs. Cendrawati

Holy Matrimony

Sunday, June 18ᵗʰ 2023
10.00 AM
Vihara Chi Kung
Tanjungsari, Sukomanunggal,
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60187

Wedding Reception

Sunday, June 18ᵗʰ 2023
06.00 PM
XO Palace
Raya Kupang Indah No 15, Surabaya

Wedding Gift

However, if giving is your sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.

Happy Moments

Leave a message for us


  1. Happy wedding Ko

  2. Happy Wedding Uhuiiiiiiiiiiiii
    Starting a new journey, live well!

  3. 恭喜姐🥳

    Semoga ce femmy & ko sugi selalu berbahagia bersama, harmonis dan dilancarkan seluruh rencana”nya

  4. Congratz Femmy..
    Semoga lancar dan sukses sampai hari H..
    🌹❤️Happy wedding ❤️🌹
    Bahagia sampai kakek nenek ya…🥰😘

  5. Selamat dan Bahagia selalu ce ❤️
    Happy wedding
    Cece Femming & Ko Sugianto 🤵‍♂️👰‍♀️
    Semoga lancar Sampai hari H.

    Wishing you happiness, full of love, and joy on your wedding day ❤️💕🥰😘

  6. semoga lancar, sukses, harmonis dan bahagia selalu selamanya… 🥰

  7. Rena 玉和 阿姨 祝福您俩永远幸福

  8. Selamet menempuh hidup baru,semoga sehatbselalu,bahagia,panjang umur dan berlimpah rejeki ya,gbu

  9. Congrats🎉🎊
    Semoga lancar persiapan sampai hari H

  10. 祝愿你们 琴瑟和谐,比翼双飞,永结同心!

  11. 恭喜 🎉

    Lancar2 segala persiapannya ya, so happy for you two ..


  12. 恭喜🎉

    Selamat dan semoga lancar persiapan sampe hari H, dan berbahagia sampe selama-lamanya❤️

  13. So happy for you two!! 😊

    Happy wedding Sugianto and Femmy ❤️
    May God always bless your marriage..

    Cheers 🥂

  14. Selamat melepas keperjakaan bro..ups salah🤣😂..smoga lancar acaranya

  15. Gratz mate

  16. Happy Wedding ya cee , lancar2 sampai hari H 🥳🙏

  17. Congratulations to you both Sugi & Femmy. Hopefully this happy day will continue to be felt forever, the two have become one and, Hopefully they will be given children soon, as a complement to the happiness of both of you.

  18. “A perfect marriege is just about 2 imperfect people who refuse to go give up for each other”

    CONGRATZ Koko Sugi & Femmy
    Have a wonderful marriege life!

  19. Loohhh…heee…jadi beneran rekk. Selamat ya buat kalian berdua, ingat sekarang bkn 1 lg melainkan 2. Nikmati & jalani hidup berkeluarga dgn hepi serta selalu bersyukur

  20. “Congratulations on your marriage! You two look so good together that it seems like you really are made for each other! Have a wonderful life together!”

    Cieeee wes ada sing ngramut rek…koko Sugi

  21. Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru ! , sorry bro ngga bisa join, ditunggu foto2nya.

  22. Lancar2 yaa kalian sampe hari H

  23. Sukses ya buat kalian menjalani bahtera keluarga. Banyak komunikasi supaya lebih ngerti 1 sama lain. Lang cepet punya anak wes

  24. Two special people, one amazing love. Coming together in hope, joined by a promise and united in love. Wishing you a glorious ceremony with an abundance of wonderful memories to follow.

  25. Cheers to the happy couple! Congratulations Koko & Femmy!
    Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.. 🥰🥰

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Sugianto & Femmy

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