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You Are Invited!

The Wedding Celebration of

Victor & Yohana

Our Wedding

Victor & Yohana

February 10ᵗʰ, 2023

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

We Found Love

The clock was ticking so fast, between thrilling moments that we had never felt before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends to witness our blessing vows on a happy day.”

One Love

For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”

Ir. Victor Adi Martono, S.T.

Son of
Mr. Hadi Djojo Martono
& Mrs. Takhiyatul Khusnin Towiati

Yohana Selliabreint Br Sembiring, S.T.

Daughter of
Mr. Jetra Sembiring, S.T.
& Mrs. Dewi Sari Br Ginting, S.E.

Holy Matrimony

Friday, February 10ᵗʰ 2023

3.00 – 5.00 PM WIB

GBKP Runggun Tanjung Selamat


Wedding Reception

Saturday, February 11ᵗʰ 2023

10.00 AM – 5.00 PM WIB

Jambur Bukit Permai


Confirmation of Attandance

We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Victor Yohana

Wedding Gift

Blessing via online registry that we set up, you can do it through transfer through our bank account or send gift for our future home. We’ll be delighted and forever grateful to receive your love & kindness.

Happy Moments

Leave your message here


  1. Hi, Yo – Pak Victor,
    Congratulation ya…..Happy Wedding, Happy Honeymoon….

  2. Selamat ya Kak Yohana, Semoga langgeng sampai kakek dan nenek, serta hanya maut yang memisahkan. Dalam dalam Kasih Kristus. Amin

  3. Congratulations Victor & Yohana… Semoga langgeng sampe akhir hayat, cepet dapet momongan… 🤍🤗😘

  4. Congratulation dek Yo, bahagia selalu.segera mendapatkan momongan yg lucu dan ganteng. God bless 🥰

  5. Congratulation, happy wedding Pak Victor 🙏🙂

  6. Selamat menempuh hidup baru & selamat berbahagia Victor dan Yohana..!semoga cepat dapat momongan dan langgeng selalu..!

  7. Congratulation, happy wedding bang Victor

    Arya. P

  8. Congratulation Yohana n Victor

    Wish you all the best and God bless your wedding and your new family abundantly…

    Desy M

  9. Congrats yo Lae Victor.
    Semakin Bahagia Selalu.

  10. Congrats bang victor,,

  11. Congrats om Itoy & Yo…

  12. Wish you both a blessed life ahead…may gods grace be with you both..Congratulations Vic and Yohana. God Bless

  13. Selamat Yo,

  14. Congrats ya utk Victor and Yohanna….semoga langgeng selalu sampai selamanya….

  15. Kakak, selamat ya🤍

  16. Selamat yah Mbak Yohanna……..senang dengarnya
    Semoga menjadi keluarga yg berbahagia dan segera mendapat momongan

  17. Congratulations VAM & Yohana! wish you all the happiness your hearts could ever dream of..

    Lots of love today and beyond, GBU.. 😀😀😀

  18. Dearest Victor & Yohana, Heartiest congratulations to both of you. May you be blessed in abundance with happiness, peace and good health. God bless and have a lovely celebration.

  19. Dear friends,

    Unfortunately I won’t be able to come.
    I wish you all the best and hopefully see you soon!


  20. Congratulations Victor!

    Wishing you and Yohana all the happiness on this journey ahead of you. Enjoy the special day!

    Best wishes,

  21. Selamat ya Yo lancar sampai hari bahagianya 😍 teman SD 😀

  22. Happy wedding ya dek yo🥰🥰
    Happy for you🤩🤩Jaga kesehatan ya,GBU🥰

  23. aaa so sad belum bisa datang.. but wishing kak yoo kelancaran sampe hari H. Soo happy for u kak! Sampe maut memisahkan yahh<3

  24. Congrat yooo , lancar sampai hari H, bahagia selalu kalian berdua 🥰🤗

  25. Dek Yo ini nikahan serius yaa, seriusan ini hehee. Nyusul juga akhirnya sihh wkw. Lancar luncur dek, jaga kesehatan. Tuhan Yesus Memberkati. ❤️

  26. Aaa Congratulation Yoh!!! Semoga lancar” sampai hari H ya. Enjoy your current chapter and best of luck for your new chapter of life after 10th Feb. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  27. Yooo! Lancarr lancarr yaaa🤍 ikut senenggg.. selamat mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga, bahagia selalu yaaa🙌🏻

  28. Selamat bang Victor.. semoga lancar sama hari H.. enjoy your new chapter of life !!!

  29. toyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy grats man! , lancar semuanya sampai hari H ya aminn!! enjoy u journey ! gb gb

  30. Selamat buat Victor dan Yohana..semoga dilancarkan jalannya dalam mengarungi kehidupan rumah tangga baru ..
    Doa eyang untuk penganten berdua…semoga selalu bahagia, rukun dan selalu dalam Berkat Tuhan ..aamiin

  31. Selamat… Selamat… semoga dilancarkan semuanya … Amin

    Sabani Prianto dan Keluarga….

  32. Segenap Doa untuk kalian berdua, sehat dan berbahagia selalu

  33. Happy wedding buat kaka viktor beserta istri semoga bahagia selalu dan dilancarkan

  34. Happy Wedding ya Victor Yohana!! Semoga semua lancar²..bahagia selalu

  35. Asek..,makan rendang

  36. Thank you for letting us share in your special day. I wish you all the happiness in the world, May your marriage fill with love and joy .
    God bless you victor and yohanna.

  37. Selamat membuka lembar album baru, Kakak Yoha dan calon suami.
    Bahagia selalu mengisi album berdua sampai oma opa.
    Tuhan berkati selalu. Amin.

  38. Selamat ya buat Yohana dan Victor! Semoga lancar persiapannya sampai hari H. Semoga Tuhan memberkati setiap detail acaranya dan selalu memberkati keluarga kalian dalam segala hal. God Bless!!

  39. Selamat buat dek yohana dan bang victor. Semoga semua acara nya lancar dan semuanya dalam keadaan sehat. Semoga tuhan selalu memberkati pernikahan dan rumah tangga kalian. Sampai maut memisahkan. Amin
    Tuhan memberkati 😇

  40. Congratulations Victor and Yohana. Wishing you the best on your wedding and a lifetime of happiness.

  41. Very sorry I won’t be able to attend.
    Wishing you guys all the very best in the future and much happiness
    Sending you lots of love

  42. Selamat yaaaa Itoy dan Yohana!! Lancar persiapannya sampai hari H, selamat mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga. Gbu both!! 🤍🤍🤍

  43. Congrats on your wedding, Victor and Yohana. God bless you both!

  44. Congrats on your wedding, Victor and Yohana. God bless you both!

  45. Happy wedding pak Victor & Yohana…
    Semoga berbahagia selalu dan acaranya berjalan dgn lancar sampai hari H.

  46. Victor, so sorry I can’t be there. I wish you and your lovely wife to be lifelong happiness

  47. Selamat menempuh hidup baru,…
    Semoga Berbahagia selalu sampai tua..!

  48. Congrats Itoy & Yohana. Gasss! 🍺

  49. Congrats bang Vic and Yohana and happy wedding

  50. Congrats itooy & yohana! Semoga lancar persiapannya. Tuhan memberkati.

  51. You both looks amazing and so happy ❤️ Congrats Toi & Yohana, wishing you tons of joy and happiness

  52. Lovely Couple. Congratulations to both of you.

    Unfortunately i cannot attend as i am travelling on same days.

  53. Congratulations to these two lovely birds! Would love to join this lovely ceremony but unfortunately I’m not able to travel Victor! Wishing you both forever loving!

  54. Congrats itoooy, lancar. Semuanya,

  55. Very sorry to miss this special occasion Victor. Best of luck to you and your Bride on this day.

    May God bless you and Yohana…..
    Otis n Destiana

  56. Selamat menempuh hidup baru Pak Victor & Yohana. Semoga semua acara berjalan lancar sampai hari H. God bless you both 🙏🙏🙏

  57. Happy wedding! God bless you both 🙏

  58. Semoga selalu diberikan kelancaran dan berkat utk Itoy n Yohana dalam membina rumah tangganya. Gbu broh

  59. wah yang ditunggu2, selamat kak itoy & yo xoxo

  60. Congrats VAM! All the best to you both! Get ready to release the hydrostatic pressure!

  61. Congraaats Itoy & Yohana! Semoga lancar persiapan dan hari-H. Tuhan memberkati 😊

  62. Congrats brader… Doa yg terbaik untuk kalian lah pokoknya… Lancar sampai hari H. Tuhan memberkati.. Amin…

  63. Congratulation to both of you, semoga semua berjalan lancar sampai hari H😍🤩

  64. Horaasss!!! Selamat ya toy, semoga lancar sampai hari H. Selamat membangun keluarga bahagia bro, God Bless You ! 🫰

  65. Selamat Bang Victor dan Mba Yohana.. semoga semuanya berjalan dengan Lancar…

  66. Selamat Vic & Yohana, semoga acara demi acara boleh berjalan dgn lancar, penuh hikmat & berkat.

  67. Selamat Bang Itoy dan Yohana, lancar dan bahagia selamanya..

  68. Congrats bang itoy dan yohana. Semoga diberikan kelancaran dan penuh berkat dalam keluarga.

  69. Lancar sampai hari-H my brother

  70. Tahniah Victor & Yohana.
    Selamat Pengantin baru. ❤️❤️❤️

  71. Congratulations to both of you. Selamat Pengantin baru. ❤️❤️❤️

  72. Cool Vic! Wishing you and Yohana joy, love and happiness on your wedding day ahead.

  73. Selamat menempuh Hidup Baru Bang…semoga bahagia sampai jadi Ompung..😀😀😀. May God Bless both of you in happines in your new journey of life .

  74. Happy wedding yoyo dan abang victor!😍 semoga lancar sampai hari h dan langgeng serta sukses terus😇

  75. Selamatttttt adekkkk cantikkkkkkkk dan calonnyaaaaaaa, semoga jadi keluarga yg semakin diberkati yaaaaa🤗🤗❤️❤️

  76. Dearest Yoyow, I am delighted at the news of your wedding! Congratulations as you embark on a new journey of your life. I wish you a happy married life!🥹🖤

  77. Dear bestie,
    Finally you meet your other half😭
    So happy for you both, lancar dan langgeng sampai jadi biring dan bulang ya❤️

  78. I couldnt be more happy for both of you🤍 Lancar sampai hari H🤍

  79. AAAA CAN’T WAIT❤️❤️ Dalam nama Yesus, lancar sampai hari H dan selama lamanya amin😇❤️‍🔥

  80. Happy wedding, Yoyo cintaku sayangku💖 full love to you

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Victor & Yohana

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