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The Wedding Celebration of

Willbert & Maudy

Our Wedding

Willbert & Maudy

July, 15ᵗʰ 2023

“And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:14-15

“A marriage in its truest sense is a partnership of equals rooted in Christ’s Love, with each encouraging the other to love and grow in this everlasting journey together”

Willbert Angrendo

First Son of
Mr. Johnny Angrendo
& Mrs. Christie Christantie


Maudy Halim

First Daughter of
Mr. Budi Halim
& Mrs. Oey Helen

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, July 15ᵗʰ 2023

10.00 AM – Finish

Java Ballroom, Hotel Westin

Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.Kav.C-22A,
RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan,
Kec. Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940

“Faith makes all things possible.
Love makes all things easy.”

Confirmation Attendance

We would like to share this special moment with you. Please confirm your attendance below.

RSVP Willbert & Maudy 2

Wedding Gift

We understand that some of you might want to send us a gift, so please tap the following button for further information.

Happy Moments

Leave your message here


  1. Happy Wedding Maudy & Willbert! Have a blissful marriage🥰🥰

  2. Happy Wedding Willbert and Maudy ! May you guys live happily ever after !

  3. Happy Wedding Maudy & Willbert! So happy for you 💕

  4. Maudy & Wilbert, selamat memasuki tahap berkehidupan baru bersama.

  5. Happy Wedding Maudy & Willbert

  6. Selamat ya Maudy dan Wilbert untuk pernikahannya. Semoga menjadi keluarga yang senantiasa saling menghormati, saling menghargai, dan senantiasa bahagia selamanya. Amiin

  7. Congrats Wilbert n Maudy, semoga Tuhan memberkati perjln membangun keluarga ya seutuhnya hingga maut yg memisahkan seturut kemurahan Bapa di Surga🙏

  8. Selamat atas hari bahagia, two becomes one.

  9. Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Maudy & Willbert. God Bless You

  10. Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow. Congratulations to the perfect couple. 🙏

  11. Selamat berbahagia buat Maudy & Willbert semoga langgeng sd menua ,bahagia dan sukses selalu, Tuhan selalu memberkatimu.

  12. Selamat buat Maudy n Willbert, semoga berbahagia, langgeng sampai akhir hayat.

  13. Selamat berbahagia u/ Maudy & Willbert, semoga langgeng sampai akhir hayat dan hanya kematianlah yg dapat memisahkan kalian berdua & semoga cepat mendapatkan momongan. Amin.

  14. Congrats couple goals. Setelah jadian di langkawi pas maudy masih sering pake baju warna stabilo sampe sekarang perjalanan yang sangat menginspirasi.

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Willbert & Maudy

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