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The Wedding Celebration of

Winsen & Jessica

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The Wedding of Winsen & Jessica

Our Wedding

Winsen & Jessica

11 November 2023

“So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

(Matthew 19:6)

We Found Love

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One Love

“Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.”

Winsen Malikin

Putra dari
Tn. Keng Lie Malikin
& Ny. Linarty Sutiono

Jessica Trianda

Putri dari
Tn. Djohar Yusuf
& Ny. Tjong Harianih

Welcome Dinner

Jumat, 10 November 2023

18.30 WIB

Outside terrace – Food Exchange Restaurant
Novotel hotel pekanbaru

Jl. Riau No.59, Kp. Baru, Kec. Senapelan,
Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28154

Wedding Reception

Sabtu, 11 November 2023

18.30 WIB

Grand Ballroom
Novotel Hotel Pekanbaru

Jl. Riau No.59, Kp. Baru,
Kec. Senapelan, Kota Pekanbaru,
Riau 28154

Konfirmasi Kehadiran

Kami tidak sabar menunggu hari pernikahan kami bersama Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i, mohon konfirmasi kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i. Terima kasih.

RSVP Winsen & Jessica

Happy Moments

Tinggalkan pesan/doa untuk kami


  1. Happy Wedding Jessica & Winsen! Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and love 🩷. God bless you always!

  2. Congratsss Jejesss & Winsen! Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness💖

  3. Congratss lovebirds! Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness and may God bless you both always!💕🥳

  4. CONGRATS jess and winsen!! 🥂✨ wishing you both a wonderful wedding and life together ❤️

  5. Congrats Jesss & winsen! ✨ Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing days 🫶🏻🥰

  6. Congratsss jejez mimi!😽 Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness <3

  7. Congratulations Winsen & Jesss! May God bless this new family🥳🎉

  8. Can’t believe it! I hope you guys have the best married life Jess & Winsen 😁 Enjoy!

  9. Omg i’m getting teary!🥺🥺 Congratulations Jejez and Winsen!! I am so so happy for both of you, wishing you all the love and happiness in the world❤️❤️ God bless!! 💞💞💞

  10. Congratulations on tying the knot jemiii 💘 wishing u guys have a happily married life, Gbu 🥰🤩

  11. Congrats lovebirds! 💖 Wishing you guys a happy wedding day and a lifetime of happiness! 🥹🤍 Semoga lancar sampai hari h 🫶🏻

  12. Congrats Jez & Winsen! Super happy for you both☺️ Enjoy this new chapter of your life yaa.. May God bless you guys every step of the way✨

  13. 🥹 congrats guys! lancar2 smpe hari H yaa.. wishing u all the love and happiness lovebirds 🫶🏻🥰

  14. OMG! Wishing both of you a life time of love and happiness.
    Lancar sampai hari H Winsen & Jessica <3
    Godbless both of you

  15. Congrats lovebirds! Wishing you a long and happy marriage🤍

  16. Aaa gemesh!!! wishing u both laughter, love, and happily ever after! Lancar2 sampe hari H jejez winsen❤️

  17. Selamat <3 wish you both kelancaran dan kesenengan selamjanya!

  18. Congratssss jejez winseeen!! Wishing you eternal happiness together! ♥️

  19. May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together🤏🏻

  20. Godspeed king & queen 💕

  21. Can’t wait for your wedding! Wishing both of you abundant happiness, love, and joy ahead🖤

  22. Wishing you lots of love and happiness <3

  23. Aaaa from “gue di anterin winsen ke bandara” to thissss🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️

  24. Wish both of u good luck and gbu

  25. semoga menjadi pasangan yang berkah. menjadi individu yang lebih dewasa dan menjalani kehidupan sebagai pasutri yang mapan

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Terima kasih

Winsen & Jessica

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