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The Wedding Celebration of

Yonathan & Meilinda

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The Wedding of
Yonathan & Meilinda

Our Wedding

Yonathan & Meilinda

September 24ᵗʰ, 2023

“And above all these put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
And be thankful.”

Colossians 3:14-15

We Found Love

“The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage.”

“Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect.”

Yonathan Mickey

First Son of
Mr. Jongki Bunian Moniaga
& Mrs. Tan Wahyuni

Monika Meilinda

First Daughter of
Mr. Jauw Yok Tjin
& Mrs. Ina Martina

Holy Matrimony

Saturday, September 16ᵗʰ 2023

09.00 AM

Gereja Katolik St Helena Karawaci

Taman Permata Lippo Karawaci
Jl. Permata Kasih VI Blok C12 No. 1,
Binong, Kec. Curug, Kabupaten Tangerang,
Banten 15810

Wedding Reception

Sunday, September 24ᵗʰ 2023

6.00 PM

The Stone Villas Uluwatu

Banjar Dinas Karang Boma,
Jl. Raya Uluwatu Pecatu, Pecatu,
Kec. Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung, Bali


We are looking forward to celebrating with you, kindly confirm your attendance.
Thank you.

RSVP Yonathan & Meilinda

Wedding Gift

Kindly grace our marriage with your blessing.
We’ll be delighted and forever grateful to receive your love

Happy Moments

Write your best wishes


  1. Happy Wedding ya Mei dan Mickey
    Tuhan Yesus memberkati Pernikahan dan keluargamu

  2. Happy Wedding Ko Mickey & Ci Mei. Warmest wishes for a fun-filled future together.

  3. Congratulations on your marriage Mei & Mickey.
    Wishing you an amazing start to the wonderful life together.

  4. Selamat ya Yonathan and Meilinda

  5. Congrats for your marriage Yonathan and Meilinda! Wish you all the happiness in the world!

  6. Happy wedding for u both ✨✨❤️
    Have a wonderful live together 🥳

  7. Happy wedding,,
    Bahagia selalu yaa kaliann sampai akhir ❤️

  8. Happy wedding Ko Mic and Ci Mei!
    Wishing you lots of happiness and love!

  9. Congrats Toto & Mei, wishing you a lifetime of happiness, and may all the wedding prep go smoothly!

  10. Congratulations ci dada and ko miki.. Lancar2 sampe hari H ya, bahagia selalu kelyan. Gbu always 🥰💘

  11. Ok Ci Mei & Ko Mick. I’ll be there!

  12. Selamat mpok qiu tersayang ama ko miki.. lancar lancar ampe hari H yey 🥰

  13. Selamat menempuh hidup baru

  14. Congrats ci mei n soon to be paksu 🥳🩷 lancar2 sampai hari h and happily ever after ✨

  15. Dear Mei and Mickey..Wishing you a wonderful journey as u build your new life together.. Semoga segala persiapan dipermudah dan dilancarkan.. Can’t wait for ur big day!!!! Sending lots of hugs and kisses.. 🤗🤗

  16. Congrats Toto Mei 🥲 May you guys always find a way back to each other no matter how hard the road is. Happily ever after ❤️

  17. congrats you two lovebirds! wishing you lots of love and laughter for your new chapter together! so happy for both of you, toto and mei! good luck and God bless ♡

  18. Congratulations and may your road ahead be bright 🤍

  19. Happy Wedding Mei ❤️ Mickey.. 👰🏻👰🏻🤵🏻🤵🏻 Finally kesebar juga berita bahagianya.. 😍😍🤭🤭 Bahagia selalu selamanya kalian berdua, berlimpah berkatNya selalu buat rumah tangga kalian, enjoy ur new chapter forever.. 💕💕🥰🥰 Tuhan memberkati keluarga kecilmu.. 🤗🤗😘😘😇😇

  20. Dear Mei mei and Mickey

    Selamat menempuh hidup baru dan semoga dilancarkan untuk semuanya sampai hari H dan setelahnya. 😊

  21. Dear mei dan pasangan.. semoga segala sesuatunya dilancarkan dan diberkati sampai hari h dan begitu juga kehidupan berumah tangga kalian.. congrats yaa 🤗 God bless

  22. Congratsss Mei, sukses dan lancar sampai hari H 😁

  23. Congrats Meiiiii ❤️ lancar yaaa smp hari H 🥰

  24. Selamaaaatt menempuh hidup baruu Meii dan pasangann. Lancaar2 sampai hari H yaaaaa ! Luph u fulll

  25. Happy wedding Ko Mickey & Ci Mei!
    Lancar2 sampai hari H ya
    Gbu 🫶🏻

  26. Happy Wedding Ko Miki & Ci Mei! Semoga bahagia, Gbu

  27. Happy Wedding Ko Miki & Ci Mei! Wishing you guys all the best for you’re future endeavours 🙂

  28. Semoga langgeng dan bahagia yaa. God Bless U both

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Yonathan & Meilinda

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